Architecture, 5th Year, 2024-2025

lic+master / 6 years
No. Code Course Form.
Hours/week Total
ECTS Course Leader
S1 S2 S1 S2
Compulsory courses
1. SP5-1 Architectural Design Studio / Theory of Architectural Design (5.1)
Obs: Weeks 1 - 4 (4 weeks)
DS 1L+12P - 52 4 - Magdalena Stănculescu
2. SP5-31 Urban Design – Study and Architectural Design / Project Theory (5.1)
Obs: Weeks 5 - 8 (4 weeks)
DS 1L+12P - 52 4 - Magdalena Stănculescu
3. SP5-32 Architectural Design Studio / Project Theory (5.2)
Obs: Weeks 9 - 14 (6 weeks)
DS 1L+12P - 78 5 - Magdalena Stănculescu
4. SP5-8 One day architectural project (5.1)
Obs: Outside contact - hours (activity without guidance)
DS - - 24 1 - Magdalena Stănculescu
5. ST-23 Architectural Technology Design Studio (4)
Obs: Weeks 9 - 14 (6 weeks) / Integrated to Architectural Design Studio (5.2)
DS 2P - 28 3 - Radu Pană
6. IT-54 Comparative Architecture DS 2C - 28 3 - Irina Tulbure-Moldovan
7. UT-11 Urban Management DS 2C - 28 3 - Liviu Ianăși
8. SP5-4 Urban Design – Study / Project Theory (5.2)
Obs: Weeks 1 - 4 (4 weeks)
DS - 1L+12P 52 - 3 Magdalena Stănculescu
9. SP5-2 Architectural Design Studio / Theory of Architectural Design (5.3)
Obs: Weeks 5 - 14 (10 weeks)
DS - 1L+12P 130 - 10 Magdalena Stănculescu
10. SP5-9 One day architectural project (5.2)
Obs: Outside contact - hours (activity without guidance)
DS - - 24 - 1 Magdalena Stănculescu
11. SP5-34 Architectural Technology Design Studio (5)
Obs: Weeks 9 - 14 (6 weeks) / Integrated to Architectural Design Studio (5.3)
DS - 1P 14 - 1 Magdalena Stănculescu
12. IT-16 Aesthetics DC - 2C 28 - 2 Ștefan Vianu
13. UT-3 Urban Law
Obs: Practical exercises during weeks 7-13
DF - 2C+1L 42 - 3 Simona Munteanu
14. SP5-33 Research and Design in Architecture (4) DS - 1L 14 - 1 Magdalena Stănculescu
Optional courses
15. Optional course, 5th year, 1st semester / Group 1 - 2C - 28 2 -
16. Optional course, 5th year, 1st semester / Group 2
Obs: The project is paired with the course from Group 2
- 2C - 28 2 -
17. Optional project, 5th year, 2nd semester / Group 2 - 3P - 42 3 -
18. Optional course, 5th year, 2nd semester / Group 1 - - 2C 28 - 2
19. Optional course, 5th year, 2nd semester / Group 2
Obs: The project is paired with the course from Group 2
- - 2C 28 - 2
20. Optional project, 5th year, 2nd semester / Group 2 - - 3P 42 - 3
Practical exercises
21. CP-7 Practical Exercises (Survey)
Obs: Outside the 14 weeks of regular activity
DF - 2L 28 - 2 Ștefan Bâlici
Total compulsory hours / credits 26 29 818 30 30
Facultative courses
22. IT-62 Elements of Academic Writing (1) DC 1C - 14 1 - Celia Ghyka
23. IT-63 Elements of Academic Writing (2) DC - 1C 14 - 1 Celia Ghyka
Course Codes Symbols
SP5Synthesis of Architectural Design
IT, CPHistory & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
UTUrban Planning and Territorial Development
STTechnical Sciences
Formative categories
DFFoundamental Course
DSSpecialized Course
DCComplementary Course
Lpractical exercices