Interior Architecture, 1st Year, 2024-2025

lic+master / 5 years
No. Code Course Form.
Hours/week Total
ECTS Course Leader
S1 S2 S1 S2
Compulsory Courses
1. PID-93 Architectural Design Studio and Theory of Architectural Design (1.1) DS 2C+8P - 140 12 - Marilena Negulescu
2. PID-3 Study of Form (1) DS 3P - 42 3 - Marilena Negulescu
3. PID-75 Ergonomics and Technical Drawing DF 2C+2L - 56 4 - Mariana Croitoru
4. SFA-125 Descriptive geometry DF 2C+2L - 56 4 - Valerica Potenchi
5. IT-48 History of Architecture (1) DF 2C+1S - 42 3 - Diana Mihnea
6. SFA-137 Applied mathematics in architecture DF 1C+1L - 28 2 - Claudiu Alexandru Tudoran
7. CP-1 Foreign Languages (1) DC 2C - 28 2 - Luminița Petrulian
8. CP-3 Sport (1) DC 1S - 14 - - Lăcrămioara Hossu-Longin
Compulsory Courses
9. PID-96 Architectural Design Studio and Theory of Architectural Design (1.3) DS - 2C+8P 140 - 12 Marilena Negulescu
10. PID-4 Study of Form (2) DS - 3P 42 - 3 Marilena Negulescu
11. SFA-92 Perspective DF - 2C+1L 42 - 3 Ioana Avram
12. SFA-16 Analogical Drawing DF - 2L 28 - 2 Denisa Ilie
13. IT-64 History of Architecture (2) DF - 2C+1S 42 - 3 Mihaela Criticos
14. ST-33 Building Materials DD - 2C+1S 42 - 3 Anamaria Mortu
15. CP-2 Foreign Languages (2) DC - 2C 28 - 2 Luminița Petrulian
16. PID-166 Practical Exercises (Survey) DF - 2L 28 - 2 Marilena Negulescu
17. CP-4 Sport (2) DC - 1S 14 - - Lăcrămioara Hossu-Longin
Total compulsory hours / credits 29 29 812 30 30
Facultative Courses
18. PID-85 Introduction to Interior Architecture and Design DF 2C - 28 2 - Cristia Chira
Course Codes Symbols
IT, CPHistory & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
STTechnical Sciences
SFAStudy of Form and Ambience
PIDInterior Design and Design
Formative categories
DFFoundamental Course
DDTechnical Course
DSSpecialized Course
DCComplementary Course
Lpractical exercices