SFA-125 Descriptive geometry

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+2L | ECTS Credits: 4
Fișa disciplinei:
FI-I SFA-125 Geometrie descriptiva.pdf
Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
lect.dr. arh. Valerica Potenchi
Learning outcomes:
The course provides students with the necessary formative elements for spatial perception training, as well as key information for creating architectural representations. There have been selected from classical descriptive geometry only those elements that are able to develop the architect's spatial thinking.
Using the descriptive geometry means, students are taught in the second part of the semester the geometric forms with direct application in architecture and design: Polyhedral forms, Ruled surfaces: geometry of vaults, hyperbolic paraboloid, helicoidal stairs.

1. Projection systems. Classification, definition, properties. Geometric transformations. Point.
2. Straight line. Representations, projections, traces. Special straight lines.
3. The plane. Representations, traces, intersection of planes. Special planes.
4. Methods of descriptive geometry. Change of projection planes.
5. Shadows construction in axonometric projection.
6. Shadows construction in double orthogonal projection.
7. Solving hipped roofs with equal slopes.
8. Solving roofs with blind walls. Irregular polyhedrons.
9. Polyhedrons; representations, visibility, sections,
10. Intersections of irregular polyhedrons.
11. Regular and semi-regular polyhedrons.
12. Conical and cylindrical surfaces. Representation, plane sections, unfolding. Circle and sphere.
13. Helicoidal surfaces. Representation, applications in architecture.
14. Ruled surfaces. Representation, applications in architecture.

Practical works:

1. Representation of point .
2. Representation of straight line. Condition for a point to belong to a straight line.
3. Representation of plane. Condition for a straight line to belong to a plane.
4. Chage of projection planes.
5. Shadows construction in axonometric projection.
6. Shadows construction in double orthogonal projection.
7. Solving roofs without blind walls.
8. Test - Shadows construction in double orthogonal projection.
9. Solving roofs with blind walls.
10. Intersections of irregular polyhedrons.
11. Intersections of conical and cylindrical surfaces.
12. Tangent spheres in double orthogonal projection.
13. Helicoidal surfaces; applications in architecture.
14. Intersections of regular polyhedrons. Geometric equipartitions
Teaching Method:
Lectures and computer examples, practical works with guidance.
The average of the best 10 grades at practical works = 40%, the average of the test + the final exam = 60%, with the requirement that the average of the test and the final exam is at least 4,50.
Doina Niculae – Notions of Descriptive Geometry in Architectural Representations, Ed. universitară "Ion Mincu", București, 2004
Doina Niculae și Iulius Ionescu, Geometry of Architectural Shapes, Ed. universitară "Ion Mincu", București, 2009
Mircea Enache și Iulius Ionescu - Descriptive geometry and Perspective, Ed. Did.și Ped., București,1983.
Aurelian Tănăsescu – Descriptive geometry, Axonometry and Perspective, Ed. Tehnică, 1975.