- Fișa disciplinei:
- SFA-16 I Desen de observatie.pdf
- Department:
- Study of Form and Ambience
- Course Leader:
- lect. Denisa Ilie
- Teaching Staff:
- lect. dr. arh. Nadina PÂRVU, lect. dr. sculpt. Ionel IȘTOC, asist. dr. arh. Claudiu TUDORAN, drd. designer Andreea Teodora GERU, drd.arh. Oana-Maria Ilie
- Learning outcomes:
- The drawing is "a mental matter”, said Leonardo da Vinci.
The drawing has the character of an abstractive operation that focuses on representations of the world seen through a visual definition of intellectual and symbolic value, but also involves a spontaneous emotional transcription of the personal visual impressions.
By de “Analogical drawing” is intended to represent objects or compositions of objects of various materials, textures and colors, on a flat surface (on white or colored paper) by graphic means.
The objectives of the “Analogical Drawing" course are: to create a proper graphic language, study, specialized creation, but also the communication between the student and the professor and - later on - between the professional and the beneficiary, by enriching the specialized knowledge and developing the skills of practical drawing.
- Content:
- The title of the practice works:
1. Drawing by linear construction and rendering of a simple composition consisting of simple geometric figures
2. Drawing by linear construction and rendering of a complexe composition consisting of simple geometric figures
3. Drawing an ancient capitel by linear construction and rendering - the Doric order
4. Drawing an ancient capitel by linear construction and rendering – the Ionic order
5. Drawing an ancient capitel by linear construction and rendering – the Corinthian order
6. Drawing a composition of objects made of different materials, by linear construction and rendering
7. A chromatic approach to a composition of objects made of different materials
- Teaching Method:
- Lectures with examples from the background of previous years of study
Practical courses with demonstrations on a drawing board
- Assessment:
- average of the five best works
- Bibliography:
- L’Ermitage, „Le Dessin d’Europe occidentale”, Edition d’art Aurore, Leningrad, 1981
Ressu Camil, “Însemnări”, Editura Meridiane, București, 1967, pag.65-66
Giedion Welcker Carolina, “Paul Klee”, Editura Meridiane, București, 1977, pag.77
Lhote, “Tratat despre peisaj și figură”, Editura Meridiane, București, 1969, pag.117
Ruskin John, “Însemnări despre artă”, Editura Meridiane, București, 1968, pag.47
Delacroix Eugene, “Pagini de jurnal”, Editura Meridiane, București, 1965, pag.93
Kandinsky, Wassily, „Lo spirituale nell’arte”, Milano, 1989
Knobler Natan, “Dialogul vizual”, vol.I, Editura Meridiane, București, 1983
Șușală Ion N., Bărbulescu Ovidiu, “Dicționar de artă. Termeni de atelier”, Editura Sigma, București, 1993, pag.279-280
Ianovici Adriana, Desenul de observație, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, 2009
Cosma Dunel, “Desenul de arhitectură”, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, 2004
Enăchescu Constantin, “Expresia plastică a personalității”, Editura științifică, București, 1975, pag.10-12, 140