IT-48 History of Architecture (1)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1S | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
IT-48 Istoria arhitecturii universale.pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
asist.dr.arh. Diana Mihnea
Learning outcomes:
Discovering the main issues of architectural history from Prehistory to modernity - as foundation of the professional culture and premise for understanding the essential incentives of the architectural phenomenon.
Analysing architecture as an expression of the values, necessities and aspirations of a human community or of society as a whole.
Understanding architectural history as a valuable resource of knowledge and experience for the professionals involved in the shaping of the human environment (architects, designers, urban planners), important for the formation of a responsible attitude towards society, the historical past and the built heritage.
1-3 The first manifestations of architecture - from Prehistory to the civilizations of the early Antiquity.
4-6 Humanism and classicism in the Greek and Latin Antiquity: classical Greece, hellenistic Greece and Rome.
7-9 The Medieval cycle and the Christian spirituality: Byzantium and Western Europe in the early Middle Ages;
Romanesque and Gothic architecture in Western Europe.
10-13 The new hypostases of classical Humanism: Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque. The „divine” man and
the problematic man. The Baroque synthesis and and the spirit of system. 17th century classicism as a
species of Baroque.
14 The premises of architectural modernity (the 18th century).
Teaching Method:
Lectures with digital images
Exam paper - 100% - composed of:
- Subject A (Prehistory, Antiquity and Middle Ages - 50%
- Subject B (Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque) - 50%
For graduation, a min. mark of 5.00 is required for each subject.
- Sanda Voiculescu - Course - Istoria Arhitecturii Universale – Antichitatea și Evul Mediu (scan pdf)
- Mira Dordea – Renaștere, Baroc si Rococo in arhitectura universala, 1994 (scan pdf - selecție)
- Mihaela Criticos - Course notes (pdf)
- Erwin Panofsky, "Abatele Suger de la Saint-Denis", în Artă și semnificație, Buc., Meridiane, 1980, pp. 174 (pdf)
- John Summerson – Language of Classical Architecture, Thames & Hudson, London, 2002
- Rudolf Wittkower, Principii architettonici nell'età dell'umanesimo, Torino, Giulio Einaudi editore, 1964, pp.29-33
- David Watkin – A History of Western Architecture, Laurence King Publishing, 2005 – cap. 1-10
- Spiro Kostof – A History of Architecture, Oxford University Press, 1995 – cap. 17, 20, 21 (pdf)
- Christian Norberg-Schulz, La Signification dans l'Architecture Occidentale, Liège, Pierre Mardaga éd., 1984
- Vincent Scully, Architecture. The Natural and the Manmade, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1991 (pdf)