PID-3 Study of Form (1)

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 3P | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
FI-I PID-3 Studiul formei (1).pdf
Interior Design and Design
Course Leader:
lect.dr. Marilena Negulescu
Teaching Staff:
Astrid Rottman, Raluca Velescu, Valentin Cristian, Andrei Mărgulescu
Learning outcomes:
Ability to design and draft, including through digital techniques, technical and artistic interior architecture plans
Knowledge of the principles of composition and the language of the discipline.
The use of different drawing methods in outlining the architectural concept.

Theme 1 Collage (11 hours): The use of mixed techniques specific to the architectural language
Theme 2 Spatial composition (11 hours): Proposal of an architectural volume
Theme 3 Textures ( 20 hours): Design and representation of textures
Teaching Method:
Lectures accompanied by screenings of digital images
The results of the themes are graded by a committee formed of teaching staff

The final average is made up of the average of the best 3 grades ​​out of the 4 obtained.
Arnheim Rudolf, Arta si perceptia vizuală: o psihologie a vazului creator, Polirom, 2011
Arnheim Rudolf, Forta centrului vizual: Un studiu al compozitiei in artele vizuale, Polirom, 2012
Banu George, Usa, o geografie intimă, Nemira, 2017
Bartos Mihaly, Compozitia in pictură, Polirom, 2016
Coates, Michael, Graeme Brooker și Sally Stone, The Visual Dictionary of Interior Architecture and Design, Lausanne: AVA Publishing SA, 2009
Dabija Ana-Maria, Notiuni de proiectare a tamplăriilor la clădiri cu functiuni civile, UAUIM, 2003
Dabija Ana-Maria, Notiuni de proiectare a scărilor la cladiri cu functiuni civile, UAUIM
Jurov, Cosma,. Arhitectura ambianțelor – elemente de teorie cognitivă și psihologie ambientală în arhitectură, București: Editura Capitel, 2006
Kilmer Rosemary, Kilmer Otie, Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors, John Wiley&Sons, 2016
Neufert Ernst, Manualul arhitectului, Alutus, 2004
Piotrowski Christine, Professional Practice for Interior Designers, John Wiley&Sons, 2016
Simpson, Ian. Drawing : Seeing and Observation. 3rd Ed.]. ed. London: A&C Black, 2003. Print
Stan Allen, Practice - Architecture, Technique and Representation, Routledge, 2009
Zell Mo, Arhitectural Drawing Course: Tools and Technique for 2D and 3D Representation, Barron's, 2008
Zevi, Bruno, Codul Anticlasic- limbajul modern al arhitecturii. București: Editura Paideia, 2000