ST-33 Building Materials

The Faculty of Interior Architecture / Interior Architecture
1st Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1S | ECTS Credits: 3
Technical Sciences
Course Leaders:
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring the correct technical vocabulary, in-depth knowledge of the main materials and products which are used in interior design.
Knowledge of the main properties and behavior of the materials and products during use and maintenance, toxicity, while observing the valid standards and regulations
Introduction, technical vocabulary. Mechanical stresses and effects with direct application in interior design. Romanian codes and regulations in the field.
Wood – overview, internal structure, characteristics, drying and protection methods.
Ornamentation-enhancement of materials and products used in constructions, architecture and interior designing.
Natural stone – classification according to geological origin, characteristics. Extraction, processing and usage of the natural stone in constructions, architecture and interior designing.
Ceramic materials and products – classification of clays, processing methods, properties, enhancement (adornment) and usage of ceramic materials and products in works of architecture, construction and interior design.
Glass materials and products – composition, properties and manufacturing methods, usage areas in architecture and interior design.
Metals – classification, properties, methods of forming, corrosion and protection methods. Materials and products used in constructions, architecture and interior design.
Plastic materials (polymers) – general presentations, characteristics, forming and decoration methods. The main polymers used in interior architecture. Materials, products and areas of use.
Mineral binding materials and composite materials. Composite materials: of high density – mortars, concrete, artificial stones based on mineral bindings; of low density – materials and products used in thermal and acoustic insulations.
Textile materials – general ideas, fibre types and fabrics used in the field of interior design.
Miscellaneous: wet finishes – paints; dry finishes – wall panelling; floorings, suspended ceilings, furniture, flexible floors; polishing plaster coat, glues, adhesives and airtight materials, etc.
Teaching Method:
Lectures illustrated by slideshows.
Introducing materials and products samples.
Discussion on type, characteristics, behaviour in use, toxicity, maintenance. Tests after each seminar – writing and drawings
Continuous and summative assessment:
(50% of the final grade) - evaluation of the activity along the way - relevance of the documentation/organization of the database/course of the study

Final summative assessment:
(50% of the final grade) - written work and practical test (recognition of some materials/products studied during the course)

Final grade = 50% of the exam grade + 50% of the grade obtained in the seminar activity

ARONSON Joseph, The Encyclopedia of Furniture, 1966; AUBRZ Frederic, About... Traditional Building Materials – Wood, Stone, Ceramics, 4-1988/89; BRATU C, Introduction to the Building and Finishing Materials Course, UAUIM 1996 (published for university use); MINDU G, EVI L, Technology of Plastic Materials, 2005; CONSTANTINESCU R,PLATON M, Using Plastic in Buildings; FRIEDMANN A, PILEJ-F, WILSON F, Interior Design; An introduction to architectural interiors, 1970; HARDT D, Building and Finishing Materials, UAUIM 1996 (published for university use); HARDT D, BRATU C, Glossary of Architecture, Building and Finishing Terms (published for university use), 1981; HUBCA Gh, IOVU T, TOMESCU M, NOVAC I-A, Composite Materials, 1999; MITTAG, The Practice of Building; POPESCU E, Building Materials Made from Industrial Waste; BURSA CONSTRUCȚIILOR journal, Chapter Building Materials; The Collection of STAS (Standards), the section of Building Materials and Silico-Ceramic Products.
The grade obtained in the exam will be at least 5 (five) and the final grade will be at least 5 (five) without rounding.