Prof. Klaus Daniels lectures at UAUIM, 17-19 march 2009

17 februarie 2009
Klaus Daniels

INVITATIE UAUIM Klaus Daniels.doc

Lectures titles

The titles of Prof. Daniels' 3 lectures will be:

Short biography

Em. Dr. Eng. e.h. KLAUS DANIELS is a professor at ETH Zurich – Dep. Architecture, director of HL – Technik Engineering Partner GmbH and HL – Beratungs – und Beteiligungs GmbH Munich, author of important studies in domain. Klaus Daniels was born in Klosterheide (Berlin) and is the chairman of managing board of HL-Technik AG. He apprenticed as a mechanical engineer, went on the study mechanical engineering (service installation) and continued to build his knowledge through independent professional studies in many fields. In 1969 he founded HL-Technik AG drawing on his experience as a project engineer. The firm collaborates with the best known contemporary architects. Since 1990 he has been professor of building services at the ETH Zurich, departments of architecture and of civil engineering. Klaus Daniels strives towards ecologically sustainable buildings. In his view, building climatology are important factors in the complex teamwork of architects, engineers and clients.

Prof. Em. Dr. Eng. e.h. Klaus Daniels is the author of important studies in domain such as: