ST-89 Architectural Detailing (2)

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
3rd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-A ST-89 Detaliere de arhitectura (2).pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Anamaria Mortu
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
Defining, understanding and mastering the principles of designing architectural subassemblies, in relation to the particularities of the built space and its architectural requirements
The relationship assembly - function - material
Integration of detail in the architectural concept
Identifying ways to evaluate and choose the optimal solution taking into account the team conditions and the action of environmental and anthropogenic agents
I - Principles for the design of stairs and ramps, in constructions; fundamental theoretical elements.
The stair, integrated architectural subassembly. Functional requirements according to the legislation Specific materials and assemblies, current for stairs; case studies. Principles of architectural detail. Field of use
II - The roof as part of the sloped component of the envelope; fundamental theoretical elements; applied building physics. Quality requirements for the design of efficient thermo - hygro - energy coverings. Waterproofed roofs; analysis of their main components; traditional and modern materials and compositions. Principles of architectural detail. Field of use
III - Roofing on frames: fundamental theoretical elements; quality requirements for the design of efficient thermo - hygro - energy coverings. Analysis of the main components of their specific compositions in traditional and modern solutions. Principles of architectural detail. Areas of use
IV - Doors and windows in constructions; fundamental theoretical elements; quality requirements in their design. Traditional and modern doors and windows. High-performance thermo-hygro-energetic and acoustic assemblies. Principles of architectural detail. Field of use
Teaching Method:
the minimum grade for passing the exam is the result of the answers to the checks during the course (30%) and the answer to the exam scheduled in the session (70%). The minimum grade for graduating the course is conditioned by obtaining at least the unrounded grade 5 (five).
Noțiuni de proiectare a scărilor, la clădiri cu funcțiuni civile, arh. Ana-Maria Dabija EUIM 2006
Noțiuni de proiectare a tâmplăriilor, la clădiri arh. Ana-Maria Dabija EUIM 2006
Catalog subansambluri pentru fațade termoizolate arh. Radu Sfinteș & CTA, EUIM 2018
Batir - manuel de la construction Rene Vitone PPUR Press Polytechniques 2010
Graphic Standards Ramsey & Sleeper ed. Wiley&Sons 2000
Technique de construction des escaliers Willibald Mannes, ed.Eyrolles 1999
Details... Details Klaus Esser, ed. Hoffmann Jr, Solingen 1975
Roof Construction Manual Schunck, Oster et. al. Birkhauser Edit Detail 2003
Pratique de la Construction des Batiments Martin Mittag, Ed. French & European Pubns 1983
Finisaj- partea a II-a arh.Alexandru Stan curs IAIM ed. 1989
Addenda la cursul de Finisaj Alexandru Stan & Ana-Maria Dabija
Indicator tehnic în construcții Victor Asquini, ed. 1938, 1942, 1946, 1947
Curs Construcții Institutul de Arhitectură Ion Mincu Zacopceanu A
Curs Construcții Institutul de Arhitectură Ion Mincu Florin Teodorescu
Curs Construcții Institutul de Arhitectură Ion Mincu Dorian Hardt 1980
Detalii de construcții Dorian Hardt
Detalii de finisaj Dorian Hardt
Curs construcții și finisaj Florin Teodorescu
Breviar termeni în arhitectură Dorian Hardt