- Department:
- Technical Sciences
- Course Leader:
- lect. Basarab Cheșcă
- Teaching Staff:
- Cadre didactice titulare și asociate specialiști în domeniile vizate de proiect – arhitectură, structuri, instalații.
- Teaching language:
- Romanian
- Learning outcomes:
- The integrated project aims to use the theoretical knowledge acquired in the various disciplines from the profile of the Department of Technical Sciences and their practical application in the design of an architectural object, having as reference disciplines the courses of Construction Physics, Detailing, Constructions, Installations, Structures. The project aims to familiarize students with interdisciplinary design and collaboration with the specialties encountered in the design of a collective housing construction, simulating the activity of an architect in the process of developing a technical project. Students will acquire useful knowledge in their future activity of project coordinators, learning to manage and conceptualize details with different degrees of complexity. The architectural technology project is integrated and takes place in parallel with the project design studio and allows students to analyze and optimize the balance between the concept developed at the design studio and the technical solutions established together with the specialists involved in the didactic activity of the Technical Project.
Attention will be paid to the installation concepts and structural schemes of the constructions proposed by the students at the workshop, emphasizing at the same time sustainability and the reduction of energy consumption.
- Content:
- It is proposed to study and improve the efficiency of a collective housing building currently being designed at the Project Design Studio. Emphasis will be placed on the correlation and coordination between architecture, structures and installations starting from the basic knowledge previously acquired by students in the disciplines: Introduction to architectural technology (ST-102), Structures (ST-103), Masonry and reinforced concrete constructions (ST-8), Structural Engineering (ST-19), Architectural Detailing 1 and 2 (ST-88, ST-89), Practical Applications-Architectural Technology 1 and 2 (ST-104, ST-106), Introduction to construction physics (ST-85), Installations-equipment (ST-11), Practical activities (ST-14).
The project will be structured and designed starting from the three components: architecture, structures, installations, the students having the opportunity to notice the influence of each component on the solution they developed at the Project Design Studio and vice versa, emphasizing the creation of a construction that meets the requirements of performance imposed by the design theme.
The architecture section of the Technology Project will require the design of architectural plans and details at different scales to challenge students to analyze and optimize the project in all design phases. The structure section of the project will analyze and deepen the structural concept of the construction proposed by the students and will have a structural pre-sizing component.
The installation section will address the equipment area of the construction as a whole with the identification of the technical spaces necessary for the proper functioning of the proposed construction and in detail at the apartment level.
- Teaching Method:
- Discussions and lectures in the workshop.
- Assessment:
- The Architectural Technology project is developed and elaborated in parallel with the Project Design Studio project. Great attention will be paid to the correlation of technical solutions with those of the design concept developed in the Project Design Studio. The evaluation will be done in a jury made up of the guidance team that will analyze the correctness of the proposed solutions, the coherence of the approach, the clear and specific graphic representation of a technical project and the activity along the way of each/each team of students. It is necessary to obtain the minimum passing grade in all three specialties studied within the project.
- Bibliography:
- • Cursuri UAUIM - Fizica construcțiilor, Detaliere, Construcții, Instalații, Structuri;
Seria de normative și ghiduri de proiectare aferente programului de locuințe colective;
• Crișan, R., Construcții din zidărie și beton armat, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, 2012
• Ciornei, Alexandru, Cum concepem constructiile civile, Junimea.
• Crainic, Liviu, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Napoca Star, 2003
• Dabija, Ana-Maria; Stan, Alexandru - Addenda la cursul de Finisaj
Dabija, Ana-Maria; Pruncu, Cristina; Stan, Alexandru - Documentație de pardoseli în soluții moderne
• Dabija, Ana-Maria Noțiuni de proiectare a scărilor la clădiri cu funcțiuni civile, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, 2006
• Deplazes, Andreea Constructing Architecture. Materials processes structures. A handbook, Birkhauser, 2005
• Hegger, Auch-Scwelk, Fuchs Rosenkranz, Atlante dei Materiali UTET, 2005
• Iatan, Alexandru, Mircea, Instalații – echipare. Note de curs – format electronic
• Postelnicu, Tudor, Proiectarea structurilor din beton armat in zone seismice - volumele: 1,2 si 3, MarLink, 2012
• Roșu, Ion, Făinaru, Jean, Detalii de construcții, 1968
• Stan, Alexandru - Finisaj - vol.I, curs IAIM ed. 1989
• Stan, Alexandru - Finisaj - vol.II, curs IAIM ed. 1989
• Von Busse; Waubke; Grimme; Mertins, Atlante delle Terazze, UTET, 1998
• Wujek, Joseph; Dagostino, Frank, Mechanical and electrical systems in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, 5th Ed,
• Manualul Inginerului de Instalatii 4 volume - 2010 – Editie II revizuită