ST-19 Structural Engineering

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
3rd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 3C | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-A ST-19 Inginerie structurala.pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader: Adrian Iordăchescu
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
This course is intended for students that want to expand their knowledge in the field of structural design, obtaining thus, the necessary background for the scientific concept, design, composition and use of rational design, conceptual use of various structural elements and their role in the building within the overall design of the building. The trade-offs between the physical part and economical requirements will be presented. The course comprises both synthetic and consistent treatment of the fundamentals of seismic design for structures located in seismic zones, in terms of: service, material, structure. General requirements for a performance based design is discussed, being formulated and analyzed both the general criteria on the overall composition of the building, and specific design criteria for earthquake resistant structures in conjunction with severe structural elements, equipment, etc. Some other topics discussed are related to buildings situated in natural and built difficult environments and the structures required in such cases. There are also the concerns of the interdependence between the structure and conditions of its development: technology, organization, economy.
The course has the following goals:
1. Understanding the history and philosophy of main standards and regulations.
2. Understanding the fundamentals of seismic engineering and structural dynamics.
3. Ability to analyze the fundamental parameters that govern the structural response.
4. Understanding the trade-offs needed for buildings situated in difficult terrain environments.
5. Ability to design and select the appropriate structure for land transfer loads to the foundation based on a given set of economical, environmental and physical factors.
6. Ability to appreciate different foundation procedures on difficult terrain environments through case studies that illustrate the analytical procedures and check their applicability.
7. Understanding the philosophy and the algorithms for different structural software, to view seismic movement for an efficient design process related to dynamic analysis, to optimize the design of various structures.
8. Understanding modern technologies used for design and analysis of buildings located in seismic areas.
Performance based design. General requirements. Performance criteria under seismic loads.
Earthquake occurrence mechanism and evaluation. Earthquake effects on natural environment and on buildings. Procedures for determining maximum considered earthquake and response spectra. Location of buildings situated in seismic zones.
Foundation structures and supporting soil. Regular and difficult terrain environments. Possible failure mechanisms relevant to seismic actions. Direct and indirect foundation methods for difficult foundation soils.
Preliminary design and execution of buildings located on slopes.
Infrastructure design and implementation below the groundwater level.
Difficult site conditions from built environment, design and execution general problems. Foundations design and execution near existing buildings.
PE: Design of a retaining wall
Seismic design and seismic performance – general plan and elevation composition.
In plan and elevation shape and proportions. Seismic joints. Prominent. Structural properties: stiffness, strength, ductility. Essentials of structural systems for seismic resistance: - structural systems, gross seismic response, influence of building configuration on seismic response, structural classification in terms of design ductility level. Structural materials. Subassemblies in vertical layout plan.
Example: approximate analysis of a 6-8 storey building subjected to lateral forces. Issues of modeling and design requiring engineering judgment.
Structural walls. Ductile frames. Dual systems.
Design codes and software for structures in seismic areas.
PE: Simplified analysis for a buiding
Intelligent structures: base isolation and seismic dampers.
Technological and design criteria for seismic bearings and seismic dampers.
Simplified algorithms for seismic area building evaluation.
Teaching Method:
Lectures with digital image support. Guided practical exercises.
1st Practical exercise (20%)
2nd Practical exercise (30%)
3rd Practical exercise (10%)
Final evaluation (40%)
Algorithm valid if final evaluation mark is higher than 5.
PETROVICI, R. - Teoria structurilor UAUIM 2000
IORDACHESCU, A - Constructii inteligente
*** Articles and construction courses in UAUIM Library