BP3-2 Architectural Design Studio / Theory of Architectural Design (3.3)

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
3rd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1L+12P | ECTS Credits: 7
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-A BP3-2 Proiectare de arhitectura - Teoria proiectului (3.3).pdf
Basics of Architectural Design
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Melania Dulămea
Teaching Staff:
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
Strengthen the progressive understanding of the city through the project, exploring the interferences between urban fragments with contradictory rules and the capacity of the urban project to regenerate the built environment.
Training the capacity to develop a synthesis project, which will evolve from the urban scale to the detail of execution.
Understanding housing as a complex phenomenon, encompassing individual, common and public dimensions.
Assimilation of specific design principles and methods of an apartment and a residential building, including understanding of functional and technical conditions, as well as attention to detail and material.
Systematic and in-depth understanding of technical principles and solutions to ensure overall sustainability and energy savings.
Themes 3 (III) and 4 (IV) / Housing and urban density. From the point of view of the situation in relation to the city, the projects involve an area marked by the juxtaposition (tense) of urban fragments of different character, belonging to distinct ages of the city. The proposed ensemble will mediate between these urban fragments. The major function required by the theme (collective housing) leaves open the integration of other functions (public or housing-related) increasing the functional complexity and spatial composition. The first cycle of studies ends with a synthesis project through which the student must demonstrate the ability to integrate multiple parameters: technical, social, environmental and urban. Benefiting from guidance in a multidisciplinary team, the student architect exercises skills related to the coordination of several specialties as project manager.
Teaching Method:
Individual critique, collective critique, theoretical lectures, site visits, case studies.
Documentation and research notebook, individual defense of the project within the studio, grading by jury board
Breitschmid, Markus – „Non-Referential Architecture”, (Ideated by Valerio Olgiati Written by Markus Breitschmid), Simonett&Baer Editions, 2018
Castex, Jean, Depaule, Jean-Charles – „Urban Forms: The Death and Life of The Urban Block”, Oxford, 2004
Gausa, Manuel – „Housing: new alternatives - new systems”, Barcelona: Actar, 1998
Ghenciulescu, Ștefan, Duțescu, Mihai, Mărgulescu, Andrei, Goagea Cosmina, Goagea Constantin, Dumitru Iuliana, Hasnas Dorothee, Pop Rucsandra, Voinea Raluca– „Celălalt oraș. Locuri și povești din București-Sud”, București: Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, 2018
Mozas, Javier & Fernándes Per, Aurora– „Nueva Vivenda Colectiva / New Collective Housing”, A+T Ediciones, Victoria-Gasteiz, 2006
Frampton, Kenneth – „Modern architecture: a critical history”, London: Thames & Hudson, 1992 / capitolul despre „Regionalismul Critic”
Rossi, Aldo – „L’architettura della città”, Torino: CittàStudi Edizioni, (1966) 2008
Stroe, Miruna – „Locuirea intre proiect si decizie politica. Romania 1954-1966”, București: Simetria 2016
Suditu, Bogdan – „Bucurestiul in locuinte si locuitori de la inceputuri pana mai ieri”, București: Compania, , 2016
Zahariade, Ana Maria – „Arhitectura în proiectul comunist. România 1944-1989”, București: Simetria 2011