- Fișa disciplinei:
- FA-A BP1-3 Activitati practice (desen de arhitectura).pdf
- Department:
- Basics of Architectural Design
- Course Leader:
- conf.dr.arh. Melania Dulămea
- Teaching Staff:
- https://www.uauim.ro/departamente/bp/grupe/
- Teaching language:
- Romanian
- Learning outcomes:
- 1. representation
• discovery, use and improvement of the basic tools for architectural representation: measurement, survey and graphics (plan, section, elevation, axonometry, photography, sketch, collage, analytical scheme, etc.).
• knowledge and operation with different roles and specific functions of architectural representation: communication, investigation, abstraction-coding, descriptive, analytical, projective-imaginative;
• learning and using specialized graphic scales and codes;
• understanding the notion of human scale and its relation both to the space and the object directly observed and to the one abstracted by representation;
• identifying and choosing the appropriate representation tools for the purpose of the exercise;
2. critical
• understanding and operating with the analysis of a familiar space and object;
• developing the ability to identify the characteristics and qualities of a space and an object, to analyze and synthesize them;
• defining a set of relevant characteristics of space and object;
3. architectural space
• exploring and clarifying the basic elements of the production of an architectural space (wall, pillar, roof, floor, hollow-window, door) and the formation of a spatial language;
• acquiring the ability to classify elements into specific categories (surface / linear, delimitation, partition, geometry);
• investigating the association of different elements and analyzing the spatial characteristics and qualities thus formed;
- Content:
- ASSIGNMENT: The theme of the practical exercise for the first year proposes a natural continuity of the method of understanding a built space through the meticulous observation and representation through drawing.
- Teaching Method:
- multimedia presentations, individual discussions.
- Assessment:
- Colloquy, class jury’s evaluation.
- Bibliography:
- ARNHEIM, Rudolf (1979), Arta și percepția vizuală, Editura Meridiane, București
CHING, Frank (1985), Architectural Graphics”, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.,New York
CRITICOS, Mihaela (2009), Limbaj arhitectural (1), Curs UAUIM