Foto Daniela Calciu

Daniela Calciu

Șef de lucrări la dept. Bazele proiectării de arhitectură

Proiecte de cercetare

2017-20: Innovative Urban Education in Live Settings. Prezența locală și tehnici de cartare ca instrumente pentru promovarea urbanității și inovării. Un model de colaborare între universități și comunități. Finanțat de ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures. Membră în echipa ATU (Asociația pentru Tranziție Urbană), împreună cu School ofArchitecture, The University of Sheffield; Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (FDV), coord. Tampere University of Technology, School of Architecture.

2016-18: EUrbanities. Parteneriat Erasmus+ pentru dezvoltarea de instrumente ludice și recomandări pedagogice pentru traineri și profesori din varii domenii ale educației, pentru creșterea capacității cetățenilor de a participa la procesele dezvoltării urbane. Parteneri: ATU, împreună cu Institute for Regional Studies at Hungarian Academy of Science; Institute of Urban Development Krakow; Urbanistimo Helsinki; Mine Vaganti Sardinia; Euro-Net Potenza; coordonat de Comparative Research Network Berlin.

2014-2015 – URBOTECA - PIPE-LINE: proiect de cercetare pentru formularea și testarea de instrumente de consultare publică pentru decizii privind dezvoltarea urbană, 2014-2015, finanțat prin granturile SEE 2009-2014, în cadrul Fondului ONG în România; parteneri: ATU, Poiana lui Iocan, Odaia creativă și Nordic Urban Development Association. Coordonator proiect: Vera Marin, ATU.

Harvard Research Seminar „From Riverbed to Seashore. Art on the Move in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Period”, Director de program prof. Alina Payne, Harvard University, 2014-2015. Finanțat de Getty Foundation, prin inițiativa Connecting Art Histories. Proiect personal de cercetare: Sociability Seeps through the Lower Danube: the introduction of Coffee to Moldova and Wallachia in the 17th Century

Fulbright Junior Award, stagiu individual de cercetare la University of Cincinnati, OH –College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, 2012-2013. Practici ale urbanității în procesele de regenerare urbană din Cincinnati, OH.

Participări la conferințe


“The Power of One. About the Social and Economic Resilience of ‘Heritage Communities’” in Risk Reduction for Resilient Cities (RRRC), București - UAUIM, 3-4 Noiembrie 2016.

„Urbanity in the discourse and practice of Urban Design after 1956”, Multi-, Inter-, Pluri-: Languages, Cultures and Identities in Complex Societies, a 18-a conferință internațională anuală a Grupului de Istorie Conceptuală (HCG Group), Timișoara, septembrie 2015.

„3 E pour le patrimoine: Economie, Education, Ensemble”, Villes en développement: politiques de restauration et de valorisation des paysages urbains historiques en Afrique et dans l’espace francophone. Enjeux d’un réseau francophone du patrimoine, de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme, Dakar, iulie 2014.

„Bridging Architecture and Society in post-Communist Romania”, Romanian Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA, martie 2013.

„Transforming Society in Romania?”, European Science Open Forum ESOF 2012, Dublin, Careers programme: South Eastern Europe Facing the Knowledge Society, iulie 2012.

Publicații și articole

(editor) – Sala Dalles. Un fragment de urbanitate 1932-2019, București: Editura MNAC (monografie multi-disciplinară finanțată de OAR din timbrul de arhitectură / cel mai mare punctaj din partea juriului în sesiunea 2019; în pregătire)

(co-editor) – studies in History and Theory of Architecture / studii de Istoria și Teoria Arhitecturii, redactor-șef Ana Maria Zahariade, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu București (revistă anuală, volumul 8 în pregătire). Coordonator volumul 3, 2015: “De Urbanitate. Tales of Urban Lives and Spaces” și volumul 8, 2020: “Architectural Aesthetics. An Old Matter Revisited” revistă academică indexată in Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Web of Science), Scopus, EBSCOhost, Index Copernicus, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, ProQuest/Ulrichsweb, Scipio, Google Scholar, WorldCat

Calciu D. (2022) Sociability Seeps through the Lower Danube: the introduction of Coffee to Moldova and Wallachia in the 17th Century” in Alina Payne (ed.) From Riverbed to Seashore: Art on the Move in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Period (Leiden: Brill)

Calciu, D., Pop, I. (2020) Maybe We Should Just Stop Using the Word “Architecture”. In studies in History and Theory of Architecture, vol. 3, ISSN 2344-6544, Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index.

Calciu D. (2016) Memories and the City, Heritage and Urbanity. In: Boștenaru Dan M., Crăciun C. (ed.) Space and Time Visualisation. Springer, Cham.

Calciu, D. (2015) ... this is something we could dwell on, and create something new, perhaps even more stable in terms of urbanity. In studies in History and Theory of Architecture, vol. 3, ISSN 2344-6544, Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index.

Băncescu, I, Calciu, D. (2014) On Changes in the Dwelling Conditions of the Romanian Roma under Communism. In Nnamdi Elleh (ed.) Reading the Architecture of the Underprivileged Classes. London, Routledge.

Ateliere, workshopuri, concursuri

2019 - bursa Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM Viena) pentru participarea la Școala de Vară Democracy and Demography, 17-24 august 2019.

2018 - bursa TATE pentru participarea la TATE Intensive: Making Space, Holding Space, Giving Space 2018, TATE Modern, 8-13 iulie 2018.

2018 - Anuala București Premiul pentru Publicații de arhitectură, secțiunea reviste - pentru sITA - studii de Istoria și Teoria Arhitecturii - editor asociat; redactor șef: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Zahariade.

2017 - visiting fellow la Sheffield School of Architecture, Live Pojects, 25 septembrie - 3 noiembrie

2017 - Premiul AFCN (Administrația Fondului Cultural Național) pentru activare culturală în spațiul public - proiect Biblioteca din Militari, studio BASAR - membru în colectiv;

Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen Wien (IWM), "Democracy and Demography" Summer School, 17-24 august 2019. IWM scholarship

Tate Intensive 2018: Making Space, Holding Space, Giving Space - a dynamic programme that focuses on key questions facing art galleries and museums in the twenty-first century. TATE Modern bursary

Studiile absolvite

PhD Architecture, highest honours, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, 2007-2014.

MSc Integrated Urban Development, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, 2007-2009.

MA Architecture, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette – Pole Architecture, Arts, Philosophy, 2005-2007.

BSc Architecture, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, 2001-2007.

Parcursul academic

2020-present: assistant professor, Department of Basics of Architectural Design
2016-2020: teaching assistant, Department of Basics of Architectural Design
tenured in February 2016
2014-2016: associate, teaching assistant, Department of Basics of Architectural Design
2007-2014: doctoral student, teaching assistant, Department of Basics of Architectural Design
2007-2017: collaborations with the Department of History & Theory of Architecture
lead, 1st year Architectural design studio, taught in English
Dissertations and diploma projects (6th year students)

Design studios [2007 - 2021]
Introduction to Architectural Design, 1st year students [2007-2009]
Basics of Architectural Design, 2nd and 3rd years [2009-2021]

Architectural Theory and History [2007-2017] - taught seminars for:
Architectural Language 1st and 2nd year students (assoc. prof. Mihaela Criticos)
Introduction to Contemporary Architecture, 1st year students (prof. Ana Maria Zahariade)
Archiitecture – Dwelling – City, 2nd year students (prof. Ana Maria Zahariade)
Architecture – Context – Landscape, 3rd year students (prof. Ana Maria Zahariade; assoc. prof. Celia Ghyka)
Traditional Architecture in Romania, 3rd year students (assoc. prof. Horia Moldovan)
Guest lectures on dwelling, the urban project
Field trips [2007-2011]:
Traces of Ionian civilization, Turkey, 1st year students
Le Corbusier trail France, Switzerland, Germany, 2nd and 3rd students
Contemporary architecture, to Copenhagen, Berlin, London

Proiecte de arhitectură

Nomination - Research in architecture / architecture books section, The 2019 Bucharest Architecture Annual Awards, for Ilinca Păun Constantinescu (ed.), Shrinking Cities in Romania, MNAC Books: 2019.

 Prize of the “Architecture Books” section, The 2018 Bucharest Architecture Annual Awards, for Marginalia. Limits within the Urban Realm. (Studies of History and Theory of Architecture, 2017)

 Prize of the “Architectural Research and Architectural Visions – interventions or experiments” section, The 2017 Bucharest Architecture Annual Awards, Shrinking Cities in Romania (coord. Ilinca Păun Constantinescu)

 National Cultural Fund /2017 – Cultural activation in public space category – Award / for “City School 2016-2017: The playground – Library from Militari”, applied education program led by studioBASAR

 Prize (ex-equo) of the Architectural publications section, National Biennial of Architecture 2016, for studies in History and Theory of Architecture.

 Finalist of the urban inventions competition the Would-be City – Galati, episode 2050 and 3rd place in the public ranking. Team coordinator. (2011)

 3rd prize: Redesign of the Livada Postei Park in Brasov, Romania. Ideas competition, 2011. Team coordinated by Ina Stoian, Andrei Gutu, Ana Maria Horhat. Defined the mission statement and action plan.

 2nd prize and the Special Prize of the Public Jury. Urban Design for Public Spaces – Cibin Market Place, Sibiu. International student competition, 2007. Team leader and spokesperson.

 2nd prize: Architectural Solutions for The Studio Hall, Odeon Theatre, Bucharest. Radu Dragan’s team (2006).

Alte informații

Subiecte principale de cercetare: co-design, cercetare prin acțiune participativă, locuire și practici ale urbanității, rolul instituțiilor publice de cultură și de educație în societatea secolului 21