Foto Mariana Eftenie

Mariana Eftenie

Affiliated Professor at the Doctoral School of Urban Planning

Research projects

1. ‘Altimetry study for the central area of ​​Galati ’(collaborator) CCPEC - UAUIM

2. ‘Modernization of Vocational and Technical Education at Regional Level’ - Regional Consultative Consortium of Councils for Regional Development - initiated by the Phare TVET Multiannual Project 2001-2007 (collaborator from UAUIM)

3. "Rehabilitation of large residential complexes with collective housing in Romania." - Research within CNCSIS - MEC - project director - type A Contract consortium no.6 Theme 1.

4. “Doctorate in Schools of Excellence” - evaluation of research quality in Universities and increasing visibility through scientific publication - panel of Romanian experts (PO) III- coordinator for the panel Architecture and Urbanism (commission no. 7 Arts and Architecture within the Project

5. ‘PUG Bucharest Municipality’ - co-author for the Study of Altimetry and Silhouette.

Conference participation

1. “The city-appearance and meaning. Analytical observations concerning the city of Bucharest ”(author and referent) EALR Montpellier, France

2. “Objective-urban planning argument for the study of location. (Essai methodologique) “(author and referent) EALR Montpellier; Marseille-Luminy, France

3. “Towards New Schools of Architecture” (co-author and referent) (AEAA) Bucharest, Romania

4. “The city of Constanta, the architectural-urban expression of Mediterranean history and influence on the Black Sea” (author and referent) International Colloquium EALR Montpellier, France

5. “The process of training in architecture through the concerted and systemic, architectural-urbanistic approach of the project” (author and referent) Ecole d’Architecture de Marseille-Luminy, France

6. “Urban study as the foundation of the concept of the architectural project” (author and referent) UAUIM International Seminar, Bucharest, Romania

7. “The urban project - the permeable limits” (author and referent) International Colloquium) Moscow, Russia

Publications and articles

1. "The process of design - projection in urbanism by the consideration of the user - receiver as a reference factor" (synthesis - summary of the doctoral thesis) Editions de l'Esperou EALR in Montpellier and the cultural center of the French embassy from Bucharest (74 pages)

2. “The art of building cities. Urbanism according to its artistic principles ”by Camillo Sitte, published by Buc. ISBN 973-31-0378-0 (collective translation) - author of the preface and notes

3. “Course note - Brief“ Ed. UAUIM (16 pages)

4. “Conception and design in urbanism by considering the user - receiver as a reference factor” (doctoral thesis) ed. Wow Bucharest; isbn 973-85623-3-3 (162 pages)

5. “Psychology of urban built space” - course, ed. University ‘ion mincu’ pcs. Isbn - 973-7999-15-0 (147 pages)

6. "Architecture evolves in its temporal, historical and cultural dynamics" Article in the book "Contemporaries in the third millennium" (author Liliana popa) ISBN 978-606-15-1048

7. “The doctorate in architecture and urbanism - a new stage in the collaboration between the schools of architecture in Bucharest and Montpellier” - International Review of Architecture and Urban Planning Vice-Versa No.1)

Workshops, competitions

1. “The city of Constanta, the architectural-urban expression of Mediterranean history and influence on the Black Sea” (author and referent) International Colloquium EALR Montpellier, France

2. “The process of training in architecture through the approach”

3. “Urban study as the foundation of the project concept”

4. “Of architecture” (author and referent) UAUIM International Seminar, Bucharest, Romania

5. “The urban project - the permeable limits” (author and referent) International Colloquium

Other information 

Participation in an activity within the national and international institution as a representative of UAUIM.
President of the Specialized Commission within CNATDCU (2008 - 2016);
Permanent expert for the fields of Architecture and Urbanism within ARACIS;
Member of specialized commissions - professional and / or educational. (MEC. CNCSIS)