Center for Counseling and Career Orientation (CCOC - UAUIM)
The Center for Counseling and Career Orientation of the University of Architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu" Bucharest (CCOC - UAUIM) operates under the auspices of "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest. Educational and vocational counseling conducts awareness of the connections between education, knowledge/skills acquired and their usefulness in real life.
UAUIM Center for Counseling and Career Orientation.pdf (11 MB)
CCOC counselors can guide you in developing a coherent system of objectives, clarifying aspirations, professional interests, identifying specific skills, strenghts and vulnerabilities. Our advisors role is to help you to structure your own personal route planning and professional education.
The UAUIM Career Research Center is addressed to "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism students, regardless of the study program they are attending or the form of education, including the students coming to study through the mobility programs, to final-year students, high school students or high school graduates, and to graduates of other universities.
CCOC deals with information, guidance and counseling of high school and college students, initiating them through various educational activities, as well as actions related to increasing the employability of graduates in the labour market. The discussion on career planning and management will be closely linked to the specific key competences needed in this field: vocational competences, communication skills in the mother tongue and international languages, competences in science, civic and social skills, cultural competences, entrepreneurial skills , the competence to learn.
Resorting to the Center of Career Counseling and Career Center (CCOC) services, you can get guidance and support in choosing the right profession for you. Counseling does not require choosing a career decision, but gives you the framework to make a reasoned and informed decision. The student guidance will help college and high school students to plan their personal development through careful documentation of important decisions in order to clarify their personal goal and their natural educational route. The counselors have an advisory role, they provide information making it easier create a link between you and the labor market offers / requirements.