Foto Hanna Derer

Hanna Derer

Guest Professor at the Doctoral School of Architecture

Research projects

Among the recent studies (as deciding which are the most important ones is not that easy, for the significance is defined by that of the given historic monuments as well)

2020 – 2021 – Herăști and Bucharest
The Udriște Năsturel Residence, later Stolojan, Herăști, Giurgiu County. Identifying the Cultural Resource through the Lens of the Main Aspects in its Historical Evolution. Building Regulations for Future Interventions (author)

2020 – Bucharest
The Main Building at 8 Eroii Sanitari Avenue – The Medicine and Pharmacy University (Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie) „Carol Davila”, Bucharest. Identifying the Cultural Resource through the Lens of the Main Aspects in its Historical Evolution. Building Regulations for Future Interventions (author)

2019 – Rome, Italy and Bucharest
The Property at 1 José de San Martin Square in Rome, Italy. Accademia di Romania in Rome. Identifying the Cultural Resource through the Lens of the Main Aspects in its Historical Evolution. Substantiation Study for Future Interventions (author)

2015 – Bucharest
The Property at 8 Eroii Sanitari Avenue – The Medicine and Pharmacy University (Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie) „Carol Davila”, Bucharest. Identifying the Cultural Resource through the Lens of the Main Aspects in its Historical Evolution. Building Regulations for Future Interventions (author)

Conference participation

Among the recent papers

2021 – Bucharest
All Is Old and All Is New. The "Udriște Năsturel House" in Herăști, paper for the international symposium, „Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie” / "Architecture. Restoration. Archaeology" 2021, with the topic "The Historic Monument and Society", a symposium organised by the „Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie” / "Architecture. Restoration. Archaeology" organisation and the "Vasile Pârvan" Institute for Archaeology

2019 – Bucharest
“Designing Heritage” (“The First Euro-Asian International Forum on Heritage”), organised by the National Heritage Institute and the "Ion Mincu" University for Architecture and Urbanism: moderator for the debate “World’s Heritage Today”

2019 – Florești, Prahova County
On Buildings and Trees, On People and Ideas, paper for the summer school „La palat în Florești” / "At the Florești Palace", organised by the Arché Association and the Cantacuzino Florești Foundation along with the National Heritage Institute, the Pro Patrimonio Foundation and the Landscape Association in Romania

2019 – Sighișoara / Romania
The Perpetual Challenges of Educating Architects for Preservation in Romania, paper for the international conference "European Heritage. Shared Experience and Regional Specificities. Cultural Heritage Conference", organised by the National Heritage Institute and the Ministry for Culture and National Identity, 10.04.019 – 13.04.2019

Publications and articles

Among the most recent ones

Cultural Values between Preservation Theory, Practice and Law. Excerpts from a Romanian Story, in
Stefano DʼAvino, Restoration in Romania. Theory and Practice, Pescara, 2020, pp. 162–170
ISBN 978-88-501-0392-8

To Inherit, to Entrust, to Protect … a Piece of Bucharest between Călărași Road and the Popa Soare Street, in Caiete ARA. Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie / Cahiers ARA / ARA Hefte / ARA Reports, 11 / 2020, Bucharest, 2020, pp. 181-194
ISSN 2068-0686

Kirchenburgen als identitätsstiftende Architektur / Material, imaterial și intangibil, in ***, Kulturerbe Siebenbürgische Kulturlandschaft. Natur und Kultur im Spannungsfeld – Erhalt von Kulturlandschaft und gebauten Kulturgütern. Beiträge zum internationalen Symposium im Mai 2018 / Bisericile fortificate în peisajul cultural din Transilvania. Natura și cultura în câmp de tensiune – conservarea peisajului cultural și a activelor culturale construite. Contribuții la simpozionul internațional din mai 2018, self-published, 2019, pp. 73-83
E-book, ISBN 978-3-930015-06-1(E-book PDF)

No Means, No Meaning or Heritage versus Politics in Romania in
Caiete ARA. Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie / Cahiers ARA / ARA Hefte / ARA Reports, 10 / 2019, Bucharest, 2018, pp. 251-262
ISSN 2068-0686

Despre formarea actualului și viitorului „arhitect-restaurator” – varianta „Ion Mincu”, București. Ediție revăzută și adăugită [On Educating the Present and Future "Preservation - Architect" - the "Ion Mincu" Way. Revised and Extended Edition] – title reduced (without author's approval) to just the title (without the second title), Revista Monumentelor Istorice 1 / 2017 (published only in 2018), pp. 10-15
ISSN 1842-5720

Patrimoniul cultural construit între caracterul de unicat și necesitatea de reglementare / The Built Cultural Heritage Between Its Uniqueness and the Need for Planning Regulations, Transylvania Nostra 4 / 2018 (year XII, 48), pp. 35-42
ISSN-L 1842-5631, ISSN (print) 1842-5631, ISSN (on-line) 2344-5084

Rețeaua stradală, structura parcelelor și regimul de construcție ca instrumente pentru delimitarea și reglementarea zonelor construite protejate [The Street Net, the Plot Structure and the Building Regime as Instruments to Define and to Manage Protected Areas], in
Ciobanu, Vasile; Iacob, Dan Dumitru (coord.), Studii de istorie a orașelor. In honorem Paul Niedermaier, Academia Română, Institutul de Studii Socio-Umane, Sibiu, Comisia de Istoria Orașelor, Contribuții privind istoria orașelor, vol. XVI, București – Brăila, 2017, pp. 210-235
ISBN 9787-973—27-2838-3
ISBN 978-606-654-258-6

Workshops, competitions

Nominations and prizes

nomination, Architecture Biennale XIV. Now, division "Industrial, Administrative, Tourism, Sports / Leisure Buildings", as the author of the study "The Property in 32 Dorobanți Avenue, Bucharest. Identifying the Cultural Resource through the Lens of the Main Aspects in its Historical Evolution. Substantiation Study for Future Interventions ", the study for the design by architect Dan Marin, along with Radu Malașincu (architecture), Mircea Neacșu (structure), Aram Hazarian (curtain wall), Nicolas Triboi (landscape architecture)

nomination, Architecture Biennale XIV. Now, division "Books on Architecture", as the scientific consultant and author of the foreword to Stoean, Matei Eugen, Ctitorii ale oamenilor liberi. Arhitectura bisericilor de zid ale românilor din zonele de graniță dintre Oltenia, Muntenia și Transilvania [Free Men Founded Architecture. Masonry Churches of Romanians Along the Borders Between Oltenia, Muntenia and Transylvania], Bucharest, 2021

prize, Bucarest Architecture Annuale 2021, division "Architecture and Research", division "Books", as the scientific consultant and author of the foreword to Stoean, Matei Eugen, Ctitorii ale oamenilor liberi. Arhitectura bisericilor de zid ale românilor din zonele de graniță dintre Oltenia, Muntenia și Transilvania [Free Men Founded Architecture. Masonry Churches of Romanians Along the Borders Between Oltenia, Muntenia and Transylvania], Bucharest, 2021

nomination, the 8th conference Cities of Tomorrow, division “Civil Society”, for „Catalog București (Bucharest Catalogue)” of the ARCEN NGO, as scientific consultant

prize, Bucharest Architecture Annual Competition – XVII, 2019, division Public Buildings, as the author of the study "The Property in 32 Dorobanți Avenue, Bucharest. Identifying the Cultural Resource through the Lens of the Main Aspects in its Historical Evolution. Substantiation Study for Future Interventions ", the study for the design by architect Dan Marin, along with Radu Malașincu (architecture), Mircea Neacșu (structure), Aram Hazarian (curtain wall), Nicolas Triboi (landscape architecture)

2014 – nomination at the Architecture Biennale XI, Dilemmas and Challenges of the Architecture Space, division Preservation, for the fortified church in Moșna / Meschen, Sibiu County – preservation, "Ion Mincu" University for Architecture and Urbanism, ass. prof. architect Mihai Opreanu, Ph.D., chief coordinator; prof. architect Hanna Derer, Ph.D., studies and building measurement; ing. Dan Ionescu, structure; prof. architect Marius Smigelschi, Ph. D, consultant; ass. prof. architect Radu Pană, Ph.D., CAD and IT; architect Joszef Kovacs, digital building measurement; architects Radu Nicolae, Antonia Cîrciumărescu, Oana Măciucă, Aurora Târșoagă, Dan D. Ionescu, Codina Dușoiu, Ana-Maria Labo, Ana Botez, Consuela Dumitrescu, Silvia Costiuc, Ana Botica, Zsolt Szasz, preservation mural painting and finishing: Kiss Lorand, Romeo Gheorghiță; plumbing: engineers Gheorghe Păunescu,
Ioan Mareș; entrepreneur: AtlasCons Sibiu, Sanda Ioan and Lucian Mihu

2014 – The Book Industry Gala of Romania,
prize, division "Best Book of the Year - Popularization Book" for București demolat – Demolished Bucharest. Arhive neoficiale de imagine – Unofficial Archive Images. 1985, Imprimeria Arta Grafică, 2013 (main author: pp. 11-192 and 199-205 out of 205 pages), IIIrd edition, 2014, organised by The Editors Association in Romania & Headsome Communication
