Foto Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger

Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger

Professor, PhD tutor
Professor at the Interior Design and Design Dept.
Affiliated Professor at the Doctoral School of Architecture

Research projects

2016 - Grant for organizing Scientific event from ANCSI-MENCS (National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation), project director: Prof.dr.arh. Zeno Bogdănescu - Application coordinator and project manager (

2011 - Research grant for "Architecture of Mexico" from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States (4 months); Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico - Project director

2001-2002 - Research scholarship for doctorate obtained through the Ministry of Education and Research from AECI (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation) (5 months); Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Madrid, Spain - Project Manager

2000-2001 - Scientific research grant of CNCSIS (2000-2001), within the program "Database with multiple users", Research Center - synthesis and information bank in construction, architecture and urbanism - "BICAU", funded by World Bank and Government of Romania (1997-2002); project director: Prof.dr.arh. Marius Smigelschi - Responsible for the chapter Design, Interior Architecture

1997 - Italian Government Design Research Fellowship, Politecnico di Torino, Facoltà di Architettura, Torino, Italy - Project Manager

Conference participation

1. EURAU (European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design) 2016 - Organizer, Member of the Scientific Committee (; 2018 (; DOI: 10.14198 / eurau-ALICANTE, ISBN: 978-84-1302-082-2, DL: A 168-2020) and 2020 ( - Member of the Organizing Committee, the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board

2. Organizer of 15FAI - Series of events organized on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Faculty of Interior Architecture: International Session of Scientific Communications, Exhibitions, Workshops, concerts, Oct.-Nov. 2018

3. Keynote Speaker (International Master Conference) - “Tradition and creativity in interior textiles” (Tradiție și creativitate la textilele de interior), the 4th International Congress of Design, Art and Architecture - Creative Dialogue: The Challenge of Ideas , October 14-16, 2016, Tlaxcala, Mexico

4. ICAR (International Conference on Architectural Research) 2012, 2015 - Co-organizer, Member of the Scientific Committee

5. Organizing and coordinating for Romania the cultural event Danon Etxea - Casa Comun, week dedicated to Romanian culture and history (architectural exhibitions and conferences, history presentation, presentation of cultural personalities, photography, concerts, screenings of Romanian films adaptations of classic works of literature Romanian, round tables) - Durango, Spain, October-November 2004

Publications and articles

1. ”Designing the Designer: What “an Architect” Means Today?” in The 22nd DMI: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings, 3-7 August 2020, Virtual Format,, Design Management Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA, digital edition, ISSN - 2640-4702

2. ”The Architectural Object and Its Historical Context. Case Study: Mexico ”, in Postprints of the 6th International Conference“ Emerging Technology and Innovatin for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage ”held in Sibiu, Romania, 11-13 September 2019, ASTRA Center for Heritage, Dumbrava Sibiului, Oscar Print Publishing House, Bucharest 2019, ISBN 978-973-668-503-3

3. Textile Materials for the Future (Accessible) Architecture, co-author with Marilena Negulescu, in Proceedings ICAR2015: re [search] through architecture, March 26-29, 2015, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing House, Bucharest 2015, ISSN 2393 - 4425 ISSN- L 2393 - 4425, IC-080_1-10, Section 2, pp.125-134

4. Textiles in Interior Architecture, in Cibinium magazine no.1 / 2014, ISSN 1842-0249

5. 5th Romanian-Spanish Architecture Workshop, Constanța, Sulina, Bucharest, July 9-18, 2010, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing House, Bucharest 2011, ISSN 2066-7604 - chapter AUTHOR, CO-EDITOR; translator, graphic design and computer editing

6. Furniture and textiles in the 21st century - Romania. Fashions, trends and innovations, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing House, Bucharest 2007, ISBN 978-973-7999-87-0 - author's volume

7. Textile materials in furniture - Sources and history, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing House, Bucharest 2006, ISBN (10) 973-7999-71-1; ISBN (13) 978-973-7999-71-9 - author volume

Workshops, competitions

1. Member of the jury "Itinerant Master's Degree Program in Architecture, Archeology and Museum Design - Innovative Design and Management of Archaeological Heritage: Roosevelt Island, NYC", organized by Accademia Adrianea Onlus and Pratt Institute, New York, USA, Jan.2019

2. Member of the jury of the international competition: Piranesi Prix de Rome 2012-2018, organized by the Accademia Adrianea de Archittetura e Archeologia, Rome-Tivoli, Italy (

3. European funding winning project: Tourist boarding house (accommodation and restaurant) and SPA center at Josenii Bîrgăului, Bistrița-Năsăud, Feasibility study and preliminary design 2009 - Co-author

4. Nomination for the prize of the Publications section, at the Bucharest Architecture Annual 2008, the volume "Furniture and textiles in the 21st century - Romania. Fashion, trends and innovations", "Ion Mincu" University Publishing House, Bucharest 2007

5. Winner of the Graphic Design Competition for the SAITT Factory, San Marino, Italy - organized at UAUIM, 1998

Graduated studies

2020 - Qualification for doctoral management in the field of Architecture, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism - Bucharest

2000-2006 - Doctor in Architecture (PhD), “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism - Bucharest

1987-1993 - Diploma Architect (M.A.), “Ion Mincu” Institute of Architecture - Bucharest (current “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism - Bucharest), Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism

Academic background

2017 - present University Professor, Department of Interior Design and Design

2008-2017 Associate Professor, Department of Interior Design and Design

2002-2008 University Lecturer, Department of Interior Design and Design

1996-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Form Studies and Architectural Environment

1994-1996 University preparator, Department of Form Studies Head of workshop / Workshop team member, Design discipline / Architecture workshop, at different years of studies Interior Architecture / College of Interior Architecture /

Architecture Diploma supervisor (since 2005) Member of project and draft juries

Member of the Competition Committees for teaching posts (since 2005)

Member of the Diploma and Dissertation Committee at: Faculty of Interior Architecture (since 2004), College of Interior Architecture (2000, 2002)

Member of the Admissions Exam Board (since 2002) Member of the Student Selection Committees for the ERASMUS and IAESTE programs (since 2004)

Official Member and Chair of Doctoral Committees (since 2008)

Holder of courses at the Faculty of Interior Architecture: Textile Materials in Furniture (since 2009); Interior Design - Evolution and Trends (since 2004); Interior Space Architecture (2002-2015)

Architectural projects

1. Interior and exterior arrangements Odeon Palace, Splaiul Unirii, Bucharest 2014, executed - Co-author

2. Tourist boarding house (accommodation and restaurant) and SPA center at Josenii Bîrgăului, Bistrița-Năsăud, Feasibility study and preliminary project, Winning European funding project 2009 - Co-author

3. ANL residential building, Șomcuța Mare, Maramureș - 2009 - project won and realized - Co-author

4. Architecture and interior design for a single-family home, Măgurele, 2006-2013, executed - Author

5. Interior design of the FEB Headquarters (Bucharest Power Plants), Bucharest 2006, authorized - Author

6. Single-family home, Bucharest, 2005, authorized - Author

7. Single-family home, Buftea, Ilfov, 2004, executed - Author

8. “The Romanian Settlement from Jericho” - church and monastic complex, Jericho, Israel for the Romanian Patriarchate, Representation of the Romanian Orthodox Church at the Holy Places 1999-2014; Head of Sorin Vasilescu - team member

9. Revitalization of the Historic Center and the Hebron Masterplan, Substantiation Study, 1997 - Co-author

10. Gymnasium for 600 students, Sarcelles, France 1993-1996, executed - team member

Other information

Guest teacher at architecture schools: ETSA Barcelona, ​​ETSA Madrid, ENSA Belleville Paris, FA Sheffield, UNAM-FA Mexico City, FAAD-UAT Tlaxcala-Mexico, TU Berlin, HIT Tel Aviv

Lecturer for conferences in Spain, Mexico (Keynote Speaker), Italy, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Romania.

Founding member and former president of the Romanian Design Foundation 1999-2003.

Member of professional organizations: UAR, OAR, ICOMOS, DMI-USA.