UT-86 Natural and anthropic heritage

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Landscape Design and Planning
3rd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3
Course Leader:
lect.dr.urb. Adrian Cioangher
Learning outcomes:
The course aims to introduce the student to issues with reference to the assemblies HERITAGE heritage natural / man-to conserve, re-modeling, modernization, viabilizării, (re) integration circuit their socio-economic and socio-cultural.

The course aims to acquire the means of identification, grading and operation (on completeness) values of natural and anthropogenic (urban-rural) and urban training for general and urban landscape to support informed assessment of the actions, administration, management and design in relation to natural and anthropogenic.
1. Introductory course - the definition and genesis of heritage
2. The heritage in Romania
3. Application 1
4. UNESCO - Theory
5. UNESCO - Criteria, Stages, Types of heritage elements
6. Protection zones and buffer zones of heritage elements
7. Application 2
8. Statistics and nomination files World Heritage List
9. "DNA" heritage of the planet and humanity
10. Application 3
11. UNESCO Cultural Heritage - Typologies
12. UNESCO heritage in Romania
13. Application 4
14. Heritage elements inscribed in the UNESCO Indicative List
Teaching Method:
Written examination (65%) and coursework (35%)
CHOAY, Francoise, L'Allégorie du patrimoine, Simeria Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998

Harhoiu, Dana, Bucharest, a city between East and West - Londres une ville entre Orient et Occident, Ed Symmetry, Bucharest, 1997, p. 32;

Charter of Venice for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites, 1964

Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UNESCO, Paris, 1972

Charter for the Conservation of Historic Cities and Areas, Toledo Charter, ICOMOS, 1986

Washington Charter for the Safeguarding of Historic Cities, ICOMOS, 1987

European Landscape Convention, Florence, 2000

National legislation on the protection of monuments […], movable and intangible cultural heritage and natural heritage