UP-27 Landscape Theory and History (2)

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Landscape Design and Planning
3rd Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Angelica Stan
Learning outcomes:
The course offers the basics of landscape theory, in a evolutionary-historical overview presentation of this concept closely linked to urban development as a continuous process of cultural transformation of places. The course also aims to develop a custom landscape perceptual sensitivities, forming a more analytical and intuitive-correlative way of thinking, so that landscape, and especially the urban landscape, can be understood as a whole, beyond the image, as a fundamental element of quality of life.
1 – What is (and what is not) the Landscape: defining the landscape / interdisciplinary / The landscape as a process/ Landscape Typologies.
2 – Reading the Landscape: language and codes, sensitive reading/analytical reading/ perception – reception – interpretation of the Landscape/ meaning, message, attitude
3 – The “Origin” of the Landscape: The Painting Landscape - presentation / imitation / reality ; The Nature and The Model.
4 –The Archetypal Landscape: The Landscape as place where the land meets the sky –
5.- The Landscape Concept Becoming : from paradise garden to functionalist park
6- The Landscape Analysis: the quality and the value of landscape/ tools/ criteria. Landscape Assessments/ Landscape quality and value
Teaching Method:
lectures with video presentation, open discussions
Practical work during the course - reading exercise /urban landscape representation
Practical work (20%), Individual work (20%), Exam (60%)
- Ch. Norberg Schulz, “Genius Loci – Paysage, Ambiance, Architecture”, Pierre Mardaga, 1960
- J.O. Simonds, “Arhitectura peisajului” * II3231
- Robert Venturi, “ De l’ambiguite en architecture” * I35 T
- Thierry Paquot - Philosophie, ville et architecture : La Renaissance des quatre elements, La Decouverte, 2002
Michael D. Murphy - Landscape Architecture Theory: An Evolving Body of Thought,Waveland Pr Inc, 2005