- Course Leader:
- lect.dr.urb. Ana Opriș
- Learning outcomes:
- This subject aims to introduce first year students to urban planning, providing the opportunity to experience a series of prime-perceptual spaces: nearby space, street or green space near the school or own house. The discipline is focused on experiments and consists in an approach to urban phenomenon based on developing a personal and direct understanding of urban places, the interpretation of everything that is visible and not visible, understanding the structure of space and its image, following the steps of a conceptual approach in correlation with its graphics possibilities of expression.
- Content:
2’nd PROJECT: SENSITIVE READING OF THE SITE (creation of a short video montage, poster- favorite place)
3’rd PROJECT: TARGETED READING OF THE SITE (survey drawing of an urban place)
- Teaching Method:
- Observation and field study drawings, collective and individual workshop discussions, based on the field study drawings, individual documenting, subjective and sensitive assessments using certain techniques of illustration: photographs, drawings, collages, etc. and development of conclusions.
- Assessment:
- Sum average of the separate assessments of the 3 project, based on pre determined criteria.
- Bibliography:
- • Frederick Gibbert, Composition Urbaine , ed. Dunod, Paris, 1972 (required reading pg.1-12)
• Jan Gehl, Viața între cladiri – Utilizările spațiului public, ed. Igloo, București, 2011 (required reading pg. 9-51)
• Rob Krier, Urban Space, Academy Editions, (required reading pg. 15-28)
• Alexander, C, Ishikawa, S&Silverstein, A pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1977
• Wang, Thomas C., Plan and Section Drawing, a 2-a ed., John Wiley&Sons Inc, New York, 1996
• Meiss, Pierre Von, Elements of Architecture: From Form to Place, E & F N Spon, London, 1990
• Cullen, Gordon, The concise Townscape, Architectural Press, New York, 1971