ST-112 Architectural Detailing (2)

The Faculty of Architecture / Architectural Conservation and Restoration
3rd Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-C ST-112 Detaliere de arhitectura (2).pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
asist.dr.arh. Oana Mihăescu
Learning outcomes:
General objective:

Developing skills in understanding how to design and apply architectural detailing, through the correct use of specific materials, systems and techniques.

Specific objectives:

- Developing the necessary skills to create architectural projects that meet the diverse needs of users; acquiring principles and methods of designing, solving and applying non-structural works and building finishes.

- Adequate knowledge of physical issues and execution technologies, correlating them with building function issues, to create comfortable spaces and protect constructive elements against environmental factors.
- Introductory notions regarding the responsibility for decisions taken in design and the impact on the environment and users.
- The horizontal component of the envelope - theoretical elements, design principles, materials for floors. Flooring design with improved qualities (thermal insulating, waterproofing and noise-insulating systems). Interior flooring; exterior flooring; "accidents" in the field of flooring.
- Principles for the design of stairs and ramps in construction; fundamental theoretical elements. Specific, current materials and compositions; case studies. Parapets - railings. General design principles, traditional and contemporary materials and compositions.
- Roofing as part of the envelope component; fundamental theoretical elements; quality requirements for the design of energy efficient roofing (with thermal insulation and waterproofing). Waterproofing flat roofs: analysis of their main components; materials and compositions. Pitched roofs: specific compositions for eaves and cornices; materials; analysis of their main components.
Teaching Method:
interactive courses - online and on site: illustrated lectures, conversations, debates, exercises.

seminars: guided exercises specific to the discipline, regarding the design and detailing of finishing systems.
Course (50%):
- Continuous evaluation (questionnaires, discussions, debates) – 10%
- Summative assessment (evaluation in the exam session, based on the course theme) – 40%

Seminar (50%):
- Continuous evaluation (feedback to allow continuous improvement of the drawings quality) – 10%
- Summative assessment (delivery and presenting projects in the exam session) – 40%
- DABIJA A.-M., Noțiuni de proiectare a scărilor la clădiri cu funcțiuni civile, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, 2006.
- STAN, Al., Finisaj, vol.I și vol. II, curs, 1989.
- STAN Al., DABIJA, A.-M., Addenda la cursul de Finisaj.
- STAN, Al., DABIJA A.-M., PRUNCU, C., Documentație de pardoseli în soluții moderne.
- SFINTEȘ et al, Catalog de subansambluri Vol.1 Soluții-cadru pentru sisteme de anvelope termoizolante.
- CRIȘAN, R., Construcții din zidărie și beton armat, Editura Universitară “Ion Mincu”, 2012.
- CRIȘAN, R., Construcții din lemn, Editura Universitară “Ion Mincu”, 2012.
- CRIȘAN, R., Construcții din oțel, Editua Universitară “Ion Mincu”, 2003.

- Colecția DETAIL, Birkhäuser

- NP063–2002 Normativ privind criteriile de performanță specifice scărilor și rampelor pentru circulația pietonală în construcții
- GP089–2003 Ghid privind proiectarea scărilor și rampelor, la clădiri

- NP051–2012 Normativ privind adaptarea clădirilor civile și spațiului urban la nevoile individuale ale persoanelor cu handicap
- AMAIS, Spații publice fără bariere. Recomandări pentru accesibilitate, The World Bank, 2022.
- POPESCU, I., Design incluziv: exerciții de empatie în proiectare, Editura AMAIS, 2023.

- NP 064 – 2002 Ghid pentru proiectarea mansardelor la clădiri de locuit
- NP068-2002 Normativ privind proiectarea clădirilor civile din punct de vedere al cerinței de siguranță în exploatare