CP-172 Planning in Protected Area (2) – Architectural Variants

The Faculty of Architecture / Architectural Conservation and Restoration
3rd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 9P | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-C CP-172 Proiect de integrare in sit protejat (2) Variante arhitecturale.pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
lect. Liliana Cazacu
Learning outcomes:
General objective: Acquiring the skill to critically evaluate the conditions imposed by a heritage context.
Specific objectives: Comparison of the possible versions of restoration and architectural-urbanistic solution; plans; volumetrics; architectural moulding; structure; construction and finishing materials; the assimilation of regulatory and intervention methods (with the restoration and insertion of new parts of buildings) in the case of historical monuments and buildings with heritage value; achieving a balance between concept and realization, so that connections can be made between the architectural imagination and the concrete space in which it must operate.
The study aims to cultivate and refine the skills acquired during the exercise in the 4th semester, in a different urban and architectural context, with a higher level of complexity. Thus, in order to capitalize on the cultural-historical potential of the area located in the vicinity of an important monument, the aim is to identify a compatible function, through which its protection and preservation over time will be ensured.
The theme ultimately aims at a proposal for the revitalization and rehabilitation of a building that holds heritage value, which would formulate, based on the study of the urban tissue in the area, a coherent response from the point of view of the contemporary exploitation of the functional and urban potential and at the same time to gives this place a new urban and architectural value. In this sense, the transformation of the built context is also studied through remodeling, sanitation and development, expansion, respectively the insertion of a new construction. The proposals will get shape following the site analysis, aiming at the creation of spaces identified by the authors of the projects as necessary for the proposed function.
The project aims at the assimilation of research, regulation and intervention methods (with the reevaluation of the existing one and the insertion of new buildings / new parts of the building) in the case of buildings with heritage value, by preserving the identified cultural values ​​and highlighting their identity within their historical surroundings in the context of the natural evolution of the city. The exercise is designed as a simulation of research and design works (conservation-restoration and insertion by expanding/replacing the existing built structures) and includes their essential phases for the intervention on a building classified as a historical monument.
Phase II - Architectural variants, duration 4 weeks
a. Project theme (written part)
b. The geometric measured drawing and the measured drawing with degradations, sc. 1:100 (with the observation and recording of valuable/discordant elements and with the indication of degradations) on as many A3 or A2 formats as necessary.
c. The situation plan, including the vicinity with the location of all existing and proposed constructions on the site, scale 1:200 (1:500); Synthesis of site characteristics and conclusions regarding the volume and position – place – (geometric, formal and functional limits of the new insertion/extension; can be supplemented with photographs, detail drawings, perspectives, photo montages, etc.).
d. The principle solution with the proposed functions, with the rehabilitation of the building and the new construction / extension, on a scale of 1:100.
Teaching Method:
Lectures with images, discussions, debates.
Guidance of projects during workshop hours.
Along the way and at the end, elaboration of projects and defending them (individual work).
Historical studies, projects and approved documentation for buildings located in historic protected areas; publications, articles and unpublished works.
The topography of Transylvanian monuments. Sibiu city. Historic Center.
Liliane Wong, Adaptive Reuse in Architecture. A typological index, Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel, 2023
Sara Lardinois, Ana Paula Arato Gonçalves, Laura Matarese, and Susan Macdonald,
Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment. An Annotated Bibliography, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2015
Clark, K, Informed Conservation: Understanding historic buildings and their landscapes for conservation, English Heritage, 2001
Dennison, E, Conservation and Change in Historic towns: research directions for the future, Council for British Archaeology, 1999
English Heritage and CABE, Building in Context: new development in historic areas, 2001