ST-70 Technology for Sustainable Habitat

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
4th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Zina Macri
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
Understanding and acquiring the fundamentals of sustainable development.
Achieving the required skills for the implementation of sustainable criteria in buildings' design.
Adequate estimate of the contemporary technologies for a sustainable habitat while using them in the architectural design.
The integration of sustainable development fundamentals in architectural design – historical approach.
Expressing and defining sustainability - how can it be used in the global evaluation of architectural design?
Integrated systems for the evaluation of sustainability. Environmental impact/stress; Life Cycle Assessment..
Architecture’s raw materials. Choosing building materials, recycling, experimenting. Recycling the built environment: architecture as a resource.
Minimizing the environmental impact: the energy within the architectural object.
Use optimization: the necessary energy/ the energy consumption rate. Alternative energies.
Designing the building envelope as an interface. Borrowing from nature – bionic architecture.
The main use of utilitarian technology. Bio-climatic architecture - active and passive solar architecture.
(self)Adaptability to external stimuli. Smart “high-tech” architecture, a convenient and permanent adjustment of the energy exchange with the environment.
Technological extremism. “Eco-tech” architecture - the technology between functionality and aesthetics.
The challenges of sustainable design. Technological innovations for “green” design, labeling and certification systems.
Ignoring technological achievements. “Low tech” architecture. Lessons from the vernacular practices and from the crafting technology.
The dialogue between technology and social pursuit, two of the main focal points of architectural design.
Architecture in a sustainable - natural, cultural, social, economic - context.
Teaching Method:
Lectures in Romanian language, accompanied by explanatory video projections; open discussions during class.
Individual paper on a subject announced during the semester, to be delivered on the day of the exam scheduled during the exam session.
Obs. - at the student request, the delivery of the exam paper can be done until 28th of June.
EDWARDS, Brian (guest editor) – Green Architecture; Architectural Design vol. 71 No 4 July 2001; John Wiley & Sons 2001 ■ GAUZIN-MÜLLER, Dominique – Sustainable Living; Birkhäuser 2006 ■ GORDON, David (ed.) - Green cities: ecologically sound approaches to urban space, Black Rose Books, London 1990 ■ JONES, David Lloyd - Architecture and the environment, Laurence King publishing, London 1998 ■ MARRAS, Amerigo (editor) - ECO-TECH, architecture of the in-between; Princeton Architectural Press, New York 1999 ■ MINKE, Gernot - Acoperișuri Inverzite; Arhiterra, București 2010 ■ MINKE, Gernot – Construind cu pământ; Ed. Simetria, București 2009 ■ MOSTAEDI, Adrian - Sustainable architecture; Low tech houses, Carles Broto & Josep Ma.Minguet publishing, Barcelona 2002 ■ PAPANEK, Victor – Design pentru lumea reală, Ed. Tehnică, București 1985 ■ SLESSOR, Catherine - Eco-tech, sustainable architecture and high technology; Thames and Hudson, London 2001; (1st ed.1997) ■ WINES, James - Green architecture, BENEDIKT TASCHEN VERLAG 2000
For better communication between all parties, the students can access the facebook group dedicated to this discipline "Tehnologia habitatului sustenabil - curs la alegere UAUIM/FA/anul4" (private group, registration needs approval) -