ST-54 Rehabilitation of Built Stock

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
5th Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Technical Sciences
Course Leaders:
prof.dr.arh. Rodica Crișan
asist.dr.arh. Raluca Trifa
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
- Knowledge of the contemporary theory of rehabilitation in relation with the sustainable development principles and the training of the capability to address the existing buildings as ”reusable resources”.
- Knowledge of the Romanian built heritage and of its current problems to be solved by rehabilitation, as well as of the international experience in the field of rehabilitation.
- Ability to correctly evaluate the use potential and cultural significance of the minor historical architecture. Knowledge of the technological characteristics of the pre-modern architectural heritage.
- Necessary knowledge and skills to design rehabilitation interventions able to meet contemporary use requirements without compromising the intrinsic quality of the historical buildings.
- Ability to identify the adequate use for an existing building.
- Understanding of the buildings decay phenomena and of the materials decay mechanisms.
- Necessary knowledge and skills to formulate a correct diagnostic as scientific support for an effective treatment.
Sustainable development and rehabilitation of the built stock.
Terminology. Elements of rehabilitation theory.
Cultural value and use value of the built stock.
Housing rehabilitation: overview and case studies – historic housing and post-war blocks of flats.
Rehabilitation of buildings with various redundant uses, through adaptive reuse: principles and case studies.
Industrial heritage, a driver of sustainable development. Evaluation of the reuse potential of abandoned industrial complexes.
Determining the compatible function in the adaptive reuse of industrial complexes.
Regeneration of industrial sites through culture. Case study: sustainable reuse of industrial architecture in Timișoara.
Degradation and diagnosis of buildings.
Degradation of materials: symptoms, causes, processes (physical, chemical and biological actions).
Degradation of plasters.
Pathological dampness of historic masonry: diagnosis and treatment. Case studies.
Teaching Method:
Lectures with digital image support. Debates.
Multiple choice test.
Crișan, R., Reabilitarea patrimoniului construit. Teorie și tehnică. Ed. Ozalid, 2023.
Trifa, R., Arhitectura industrială istorică. Posibilități de recuperare sustenabilă. Cazul Timișoara. Ed. ACS, 2023.
Crișan, R., Uses and Abuses of Reconstruction. In Holtorf, C., Kealy, L., Kono, T., (eds), ‘A contemporary provocation: reconstructions as tools of future-making. Selected papers from the ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstruction, Paris, 13 – 15 March 2017’. [on line]. ICOMOS, Paris, 2018. Disponibil la
Crișan, R., The Dilemma of the Redundant Churches: to Lose or to Reuse? In Fiorani, D., Kealy, L., Musso, S. F. (eds.), ‘Conservation/Adaptation: Keeping alive the spirit of the place. Adaptive reuse of heritage with symbolic value‘, EAAE, Hasselt, Belgium, 2017. Disponibil la
Crișan, R., Some reflections on abandoned small historic centres. In Crisan, R., Fiorani, D., Kealy, L., Musso, S. F. (eds.), 'Conservation/Reconstruction. Small Historic Centers: Conservation in the midst of Change', Transactions on architectural education no. 64, EAAE, Hasselt, Belgium, 2015. Disponibil la
Crișan, R., Conservation/Regeneration: the Modernist neighbourhood. In Crișan, R., Franco, G., Kealy, L., Musso, S. F. (eds.), 'Conservation/Regeneration: The Modernist Neighbourhood', Transactions on architectural education no. 58, EAAE 2012. Disponibil la
Crișan, R., Reabilitarea locuirii urbane tradiționale. Ed. Paideia, 2004.
Crișan, R., Analiza integrativă a valorii culturale și de utilizare a clădirilor existente. Editura Universitară “Ion Mincu”, 2004.
Crișan, R., Macri, Z., Panait A. (eds), Visions on Mass-Housing Sustainable Rehabilitation, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, 2011.
Crișan, R. și colectiv, Reabilitarea blocurilor de locuinte cu supraetajare in sistem constructiv metalic, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, 2008.
Crișan, R., Umiditatea zidăriilor vechi. Criterii de intervenție. In Revista Monumentelor Istorice n. 1-2/1996.
Trifa. R., De la măiestrie la decădere: Dilemele patrimoniului industrial din Timișoara, în
“Caietele Restaurării 2023”, Editura ACS, București, 2023;
Trifa R., What Future for the Past? Contemporary Issues in Urban Heritage Preservation, in
“Conservation-Demolition”, European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE)
Thematic Network on Conservation, Transactions on Architectural Education no. 67, EAAE și
Faculty of Architecture CTU Prague, Praga, ISBN 978-90-831271-1-8, 2020;
Trifa R., Patrimoniul industrial la răscruce. Despre o (re)considerare a arhitecturii industriale
istorice din Timișoara, Capitală Europeană a Culturii pentru anul 2021, Revista Transsylvania
Nostra, nr. 48-60, ediția nr. 3/2020;
Trifa R., Preservation and Transformation: The Role of Industrial Heritage in Urban
Regeneration, Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture, Special Issue–
International Conference – Architecture, Technology and the City, Vol. 61, nr. 3, Editura
Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca UTPRESS, ISSN 1221-5848, Cluj-Napoca , 2018;
Trifa R., Crossing Boundaries. A New Methodological Model for the Evaluation of Industrial
Heritage, Acta Technica Napocensis Civil Engineering & Architecture, Special Issue -
International Workshop in Architecture and Urban Planning, Vol. 59 No. 3, Editura
Universitatea Tehnică UTPRESS, ISSN 1221-5848, Cluj-Napoca, 2016;
Trifa R., Spații de producție / Spații de expunere // Production Spaces / Exhibition Spaces,
Spațiul muzeal la limită. Între arhitectură și discurs / The Museum Space at its Bounderies.
Between Architecture and Discourse, publicație suport CD-ROM, Editura Universitară Ion
Mincu, ISBN 978-606-638-152-9, București, 2016;
Trifa R., Structure, De-structure, Re-structure. The Second Life of Industrial Heritage, Acta
Technica Napocensis Civil Engineering & Architecture, Special Issue -International Workshop
in Architecture and Urban Planning, Vol. 58, Nr. 4, Editura Universitatea Tehnică UTPRESS,
ISSN 1221-5848, Cluj-Napoca, 2015;
Trifa R., Industrial Heritage: Between History, Memory And Transformation, International
Conference on Arhitectural Research – ICAR, Abstracts (Print), Editura Universitară Ion
Mincu, ISSN 2393 – 4433, ISSN-L 2393-4433, ISBN 978-606-638-112-3; International
Conference on Architectural Research - ICAR Proceedings (CD-ROM) - IC-040 - ISSN 2393
– 4425, ISSN-L 2393 – 4425, București, 2015;
Trifa R., Memoria patrimoniului industrial din Timișoara, Analele Asociației Profesionale a
Geografilor din România, vol. V, nr. 5, Editura Universitară, ISSN 2069-4881, București, 2014
The course is complemented by design exercises within the homonymous
elective project (ST-81) in the same semester.