CP-39 Architecture and Archaeology

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
4th Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-A CP-39 Arhitectura si Arheologie.pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Ștefan Bâlici
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
Study the process of research-interpretation-conservation-presentation in the particular and specialized case of the archaeological ruin. The aims are: to introduce the fundamental notions of the history and theory of restoration of archaeological ruins; to develop the skills to investigate, read and diagnose architectural - archaeological monuments, as well as to plan conservation interventions, direct (on the monument) or indirect (on the environment); to introduce the problems of interpretation and presentation of archaeological heritage - direct presentation and museum exhibition.
1. General problems, definitions and basic terminology: archaeological architectures, the archaeology of architecture (with case studies, i.e. The Old Court, the Headquarters of the Union of Architects and the School of Architecture, all in Bucharest);
2. Differences between the monument of architecture and that of (architectural) archaeology, in theory and practice;
3. The typological and chronological extension of the field of archaeological restoration - from object (archaeological monument) to territory (archaeological landscape), from prehistory to contemporary history (with case studies, i.e. Eneolithic tells in the Romanian Plain, the Roman Forum, the Historic Centre of Bucharest, ancient landscape in Northern Dobrudja, sites of terror - Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, industrial sites - Ruhr Basin);
4. The relation critical process - creative act in archaeological restoration;
5. The relation with other disciplines - archaeology, history, physics, chemistry, nature sciences, etc.;
6. The intervention programme; direct interventions (conservation and restoration of archaeological structures);
7. Indirect interventions (on the environment of the monument, protective structures);
8. Interpretation and presentation: the archaeological site as a museum and the archaeological site museum (curatorial discourse, exhibition techniques);
9. General standards and charters on the archaeological heritage.

Study trip

Practical applications:
The study of an archaeological monument / ensemble, or of a significant part of such a monument, which raises conservation problems and offers the possibility to direct research (by measured drawings and survey); philological and critical reading; investigations into the degradation state of materials; proposal (scenario) of conservation intervention, interpretation and presentation.
Teaching Method:
theoretical lectures and practical applications
- oral presentation of an intervention project for a chosen monument;
- portfolio - sketches, reports, essays on subjects circumscribed by the general scope of the course (optional);
- contribution to classes.
International documents and charters:
- The International Charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites (The Venice Charter, 1964);
- The European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (CoE, La Valetta, 1992);
- The ICOMOS Charter for the Protection and Management of the Archaeological Heritage (ICOMOS, Lausanne, 1990);
- Recommendation on International Principles Applicable to Archaeological Excavations (UNESCO, New Delhi, 1956)
- The Segesta Declaration (CoE, 1996)

- Faut-il restaurer les ruines?, Actes des Colloques de la Direction du Patrimoine, Paris, 1991.
- Préservation, restitution et mise en valeur du patrimoine fouillé, Journée international d’étude, Bulletin de la Société Française d’Archéologie Classique, XXXI, 1998-1999, RA, 1, 2000, p. 119-223.
- De la restitution en archéologie, Paris, Éditions du Patrimoine, 2008.
- Neville Agnew, Janet Bridgland (ed.), Of the Past, For the Future, Proceedings of the Conservation Theme at the World Archaeological Congress, June 2003, Los Angeles, 2006.
- John Ashurst (ed.), Conservation of Ruins, Oxford, 2007.
- Zaki Aslan, Sarah Court, Jeanne Marie Teutonico, Jane Thompson (eds.), Protective Shelters for Archaeological Sites: proceedings of a symposium (Herculaneum, Italy, 23-27 September 2013), The British School at Rome, 2018.
- Anna Boato, L’archeologia in architettura. Misurazione, stratigrafie, datazioni, restauro, Veneția, 2008.
- Giovanni Carbonara, Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, storia, monumenti, Napoli, 1997.
- Giorgio Croci, Conservazione e restauro strutturale dei beni architettonici, Torino, 2001.
- Donatello D’Angelo, Silvia Moretti (ed.), Storia del restauro archeologico. Appunti, Florența, 2004.
- Maria Grazia Filetici, Francesco Giovanetti, Fani Mallouchou-Tufano, Elisabetta Pallottino (ed.), I restauri dell’Acropoli di Atene – Restoration of the Athenian Acropolis, 1975 – 2003, în seria Quaderni ARCo: restauro, storia e tecnica, Roma, 2003.
- Jukka Jokilehto, A History of Architectural Conservation, Oxford, 2002.
- Maria Concetta Laurenti (ed.), Le coperture delle aree archeologiche. Museo aperto, Roma, 2006.
- Luigi Marino (ed.), Dizionario di restauro archeologico, Florența, 2003.
- Hartwig Schmidt, Schutzbauten, Stuttgart, 1988.
- Hartwig Schmidt, Wiederaufbau, Stuttgart, 1993.
- Hartwig Schmidt, Archäologische Denkmäler in Deutschland. Rekonstruiert und wieder aufgebaut, Stuttgart, 2000.
- María Margarita Segarra Lagunes (ed.), Progetto archeologico. Progetto architettonico, Seminario di studi, Roma, 13-15 iunie 2002, Roma, 2007.
- Nicholas Stanley Price (ed.), La conservazione sullo scavo archeologico, con particolare riferimento all’area mediterranea, Roma, ICCROM, 1986.
- Marta de la Torre (ed.), The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Meditarranean Region, An International Conference Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the J. Paul Getty Museum, 6-12 May 1995, Los Angeles, 1997.
- Claudio Varagnoli (ed.), Conservare il passato. Metodi ed esperienze di protezione e restauro nei siti archeologici, Atti del Convegno Chieti-Pescara, 25-26 settembre 2003, Roma, 2005.