CP-10 Historical Monuments Conservation

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
5th Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Adrian Crăciunescu
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
Providing support for the assimilation of theoretical research methods, regulation and intervention on historical monuments and the conservation-restoration project, as well as ways of enhancing and protecting their identity protection areas.
Familiarizing students with legislation and with the doctrine concerning the protection of heritage and the implications they have in the decision-making process of conservation-restoration.
The presentation and definition methods of investigation / research and preliminary design process simultaneous execution process, at the monument and / or assembly and urban level of protection in their areas for the establishment and implementation of conservation-restoration interventions.
- General, definitions, historic evolution of the concept;
- Legal categories: monument, assembly, site and their protection zones.
The relationship between the doctrinal developments in the field of heritage protection and types of interventions practiced in the preservation and restoration; Implications of the Venice Charter in establishing conservation-restoration interventions.
Specific elements related to conservation and restoration in Romanian legislation and recommendations of the international charters.
Analysis of the causes of degradation of heritage building (monument, assembly, site):
- The degradation research;
- Drafting documentation of the status of degradation.
Categories of works for the control of degradation (prevention, conservation, consolidation, rehabilitation, restoration).
Typology restoration:
- Preparatory procedures (inventory, filing periodic inspection);
- Actual intervention operations (liberation, reunification innovation);
- Exceptional procedures conservation (reproduction, restoration).
Stages, investigative methods and techniques of historical monuments:
- Surveying;
- Architectural and urban research (location, typology, style);
- Archaeological research;
- Historical study and evaluation of interventions foundation.
Diagnosis architectural, structural, functional:
- Approach;
- Summary data, documentation wording.
Establishing intervention solution in the preservation and restoration:
- Approaches in relation to the results of investigations;
- Project prioritization;
- Wording of the documentation.
The protection zone of a monument, ensemble or site:
- Regulations;
- Approaches, drafting, implementation and management;
- Delimitation principles and methods;
- Laying down rules for intervention.
Criteria for project assessment and possible restoration and conservation interventions.
Projects and conservation-restoration interventions - Case studies - critical presentation.
Teaching Method:
- Lectures, studies case presentation (PowerPoint illustrative material), followed by discussions;
- Field trips (to identify different ways of intervention on historical monuments);
- The direct supervision of work to be made by students throughout the semester.
Evaluation work (critical analysis of the restoration of a monument / historical overview by the method set course), be pursued following:
- The clarity and depth of analysis establishing criteria;
- The accuracy and relevance of the conclusions of the analysis;
Participating in the discussions initiated on the basis of the case studies presented in the course.
BRANDI, C., Teoria del restauro, Roma 1963;
CARBONARA, G., Trattato di Restauro Architettonico, Vol.II, Utet, 1996; AA.VV, Restauro Architettonico, (a cura di L. MARINO), Alinea, 1996;
Articles, publications on the field (BCMI, RMI, SCIA, SCIV etc);
Current legislation on the stages and preparing the draft conservation or restoration;
Historical studies, documentation and conservation or restoration projects approved for monuments and historical ensembles.