ST-24 Architectural Practice and Society

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
6th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
ST-24 Eficienta economica si sociala a investitiilor.pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Gabriel Negoescu
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring the extraprofesionale knowledge necessary to carry out the optimum professional duties. Understanding the economic and legal context of the activity of architectural design.
Economic efficiency of the design elements;
Economic efficiency of the process of building;
Economic efficiency of the investment.

The division of the human activities on economy sectors. The specificity of the construction sector and of the design as a service;
Occupations, professions, positions;
Investment. Efficiency of the investments;
Modes of operation of the architectural profession. Employee and employer. Notions of work rights;
Companies. Legal and economic aspects;
Business Plan. Features of the design team. SWOT Analysis;
Order of Architects. Methods of assessing the cost and price design. Contract services. Design manager contract. Consultancy contract;
Sources of financing investment. The design and content of technical and economic documentation of investment;
Creating specifications;
Building Works contract;
Methods of assessing the cost and price investment;
Indices, indicators, measurements;
Price evaluations;
Assessment of land for building and construction;
Construction financing. Analysis. Indicators and indices of economic efficiency of investment;
Scientific methods to build. Methods of increasing efficiency in construction.
Teaching Method:
An lecture with guests (legal adviser, architecture office manager, manager of an construction firm). Illustrated lectures.
Oral examination
T Muir, Rance, Collaborative Practice in The Built Environment, E&FN Spon, 1995
Tony Collier, Design, Technology and Development Process, E&FN Spon, 1995
R.M. Belbin, Management Teams; Why they succeed or fail, E&FN Spon
Sir Michael Latham, Constructing the Team
D. Chappell, C. Willis, The Architect in Practice, Blackwell Science, 1992
JJ Scott, Architectural Practice, Butterworths, 1985