SP6-1 Practical Training in Architectural Design Office

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
6th Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: - | ECTS Credits: 20
Fișa disciplinei:
FA-A SP6-1 Stagiu de practica profesionala.pdf
Synthesis of Architectural Design
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Magda Stănculescu
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
1) Contact with the specific laws in architecture and urbanism .
2) Methods to start any kind of architectural projects .
3) Knowledges about the specific design methods concerning different architectural phases of project,in the limits of the actual laws .
4) Involvement in the specific workshop activities,till the end of this phase,under authorised supervision .
5) Acceptance of the specific situations of the teamwork by assuming the responsibilities .
1) Architecture with the specific phases of urbanism and details
2) Interior design with specific details of finishings and/or furnitures
3) Object design
4) Architectural reconditioning of the monuments
5) Specific architectural research
6) Architectural contests
Teaching Method:
Direct involvement by working daily,during three month,in private companies of architecture,urbanism or design
By direct theoretical examination and the portofalio containing designs from the projects in which the students were involved during a colocvium with credits and evaluation from 1 to 10 . The students are examined by a comitee of three teachers .
Three month of architectural practice are enough to allow the students to elaborate in good conditions their final projects ( diploma ) .