UP-144 Urban Lighting

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Design and Planning
3rd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leader:
lect.dr.urb Sebastian Guță
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of lighting basics and of exterior architectural lighting caracteristics
Ability to analyse, propose a lighting concept and technological solutions for sustainable urban lighting
Introduction. Lighting terminology. Seeing, perception
Exterior architectural lighting - caracteristics, visual pollution
Sustainable lighting - contemporary technology for sourses, fixtures and lighting control systems
Architectural lighting systems - floodlighting, accent light
Architectural lighting design - analysis, strategy, tactics - concept
Lighting masterplan for the basics urban elements (paths, districts, nodes) - the example of Lyon
Lighting design for the secondary urban elements (edges and landmarks): buildings, urban spaces and incidents
Lighting design - team work (urban planner, architect, lighting designer, engineer)
Case studies
Teaching Method:
Power Point presentation
final evaluation - multiple choice test (50%), lighting studies (50%)
Bianchi, Mira, Moroldo, Georgescu, Moroldo
Sisteme de iluminat interior și exterior
Brandi, U Lighting Design
Miclescu, S Lumina naturală și lumina artificială în arhitectură
Moroldo, Dan Iluminatul urban
Phillips, Derek The Lit Environment
Turner, J Designing with light. Public Places
The IESNA Lighting Handbook

- Philips
- Erco
- Schreder