- Department:
- Urban Planning and Territorial Development
- Course Leader:
- asist.dr.urb. Miruna Drăghia
- Learning outcomes:
- - acquiring first elements of morphological analysis of an urban fabric and compositional analysis of urban spaces
- formulating critical conclusions regarding the relationship between the morphological characteristics of the urban fabric, the spatial-compositional, aesthetic, environmental characteristics and the functional quality of the analyzed urban spaces
- the use and improvement of representation techniques that allow the understanding and highlighting of the various characteristics of the urban space: morphological, aesthetic-compositional, functional and socio-cultural
- familiarization with specialized vocabulary and basic theoretical notions
- developing skills for individual, self-taught study
- Content:
- STAGE 1 Sensitive reading and complex analysis of the site
- sensitive reading of the site (individual)
- complex analysis of the site (teamwork)
STAGE 2. Interventions to improve public spaces (teamwork)
- Teaching Method:
- • observation and field study sketches
• collective and individual discussions in the studio, based on sequential studies
- Assessment:
- Final work - A3 format notebook (70% of the grade)
Evolution along the way (30% of the grade)
- Bibliography:
- - Gehl, Jan (2011). Life between buildings – Uses of public space. Bucharest: Igloo. Required reading: pages 9-51.
- Gehl, Jan (2012). Cities for people. Bucharest: Igloo, 2012. Mandatory reading: pages 117-181.
- Gibbert, Frederick (1972). Composition Urbaine, Paris: Dunod. Required reading: pages 1-12.
- Krier, Rob (1979). Urban Space. London: Academy Editions. Required reading: 15-28.
- Lynch, Kevin (1960). The image of the city. Cambridge Mass: MIT Press.
- Pierre Merlin, Urban Morphology
- J.O. Simonds, Landascape Architecture (II 2123)
- Trișcu, Aurelian, Spațiile pietonale, Ed Arta Grafica, Bucharest, 1985 (II 4432)