UP-7 Urban Composition

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Design and Planning
4th Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1S | ECTS Credits: 3
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leaders:
Conf.dr.urb. Andreea Necșulescu
Asist.dr.urb. Radu Pătrașcu
Learning outcomes:
It aims to develop students’ capacity to analyse and define the function and configuration of a possible urban image as a support for the architectural and urban creation process within the urban space; it also aims to develop students’ capacity to compose and expand their own qualitative judgment on the urban space configuration.
A new approach in Urban Composition;
Image in space;
The mechanism of urban image formation;
Perception in space;
The spatial configurative structural field;
Visualizing effects of spatial configuration;
Defining organized space through in site composition;
Relation between buildings and site; qualitative elements of organized spaces;
Particularity in organized space.
Teaching Method:
Ex-cathedra lectures, case studies and critical discussions in the seminar.
Evaluation during the semester ( 2 / 3 Student Debates) + Practical Project + Final Exam*

* Students actively participating in Debates, in teams, will benefit from the value obtained during the debates which will replace the final examination. The final grade will result, in this case, as an average between the debate value and the project value.

The final grade will result as an average between the Debate / Exam value (50%) and the Project value (50%).

Minimum 5,00 average final grade, with minimum 5,00 at the practical project and minimum 5 at the final exam / debates.
1. R.Laurian: Probleme de estetica a oraselor, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti – 1962
2. K. Lynch: Image of the City, Ed. R.U.R., Bucuresti – 2012
3. Al. Sandu: Urban Structures, course ...., Ed. U.A.U.I.M., Bucuresti – 1992
4. R. Arnheim: Centrul vizual, Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti – 1995
5. R. Sennett: The conscience of the Eye, Ed. Norton – 1992
6. M. Merleau-Ponty: Fenomenologia perceptiei, ed. Aion, Oradea, 1999 (introduction and part two)
7. Umberto Eco: Opera deschisa, ed. Paralela 45, Bucuresti, 2002 (Chapters. Opening, Information, Communication)
8. M. Roncayolo: Lectures de villes. Formes et temps, Ed. Parentheses, Paris, 2002
9. Al. Sandu: Articles in Arhitext Magazine nr. 1/2006, 5/2001, 1/2015