UP-61 Essentials of urban-planing theories (2)

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Design and Planning
2nd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C | ECTS Credits: 2
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Tiberiu Florescu
Learning outcomes:
The understanding of the contemporary urban development issues, in connection with the new architectural and urban doctrines characteristic of the 21st century, but also related to the specifics of the development and to the socio-economical particularity of today’s major metropolitan cities.
Upon successful completion of this discipline, the students will be able to:
- To explain the institutional relations regarding the landscape, urban and territorial planning and related fields
- To describe urban and territorial forms
- To use effective learning methods and techniques, in order to complete and acquiring new information and knowledges specific to the field of urban planning
- To analyze, diagnose and design different types of spatial development processes
1. New issues of urban and global development and new urban and architectural doctrines of the 21st century. About nine contemporary fundamental principles. Comparative analysis – European cities: Barcelona, Brussels, Berlin, Rome
2. Sustainability – urban planning / urbanism / urban design. The territory – city – architecture relationship. Urban form and context. Comparative analysis – Middle east cities: Dubai.Masdar City – Abu Dhabi (EUA)
Accessibility / connectivity. Megacities. Transportation planning. Information society 4.0. and social services planning. Comparative analysis – Megacities: London. Mumbai. Tokyo. Sydney.
3. Diversity. Historical evolution and Multiculturalism. Comparative analysis –Singapore. Salonic.
4. Open Space. Land-use planning. Zoning. Analysis: Cairo.
Compatibility. The city in the network and city networks. Cross-border problem. Comparative analysis: Urban system Braila-Galati. Cross-border system Giurgiu-Ruse.
5. Competitiveness. How do we perceive cities? Urban landscape and economic performance. Local answers to global challenges. Competitive cities. Comparative analysis – Hong Kong. Bangkok. New York.
6. Adaptability. Growth and development. Urban development in the climate changes context. Urban vulnerability. Comparative analysis – London. Paris. Barcelona. Bucharest.
7. Density. Compact City. Tokyo. Identity. Iconic buildings. Bucharest – Dynamic Urban General Plan
Teaching Method:
Free lectures centered on approaching the main theoretical problems, the specific terminology and fundamental notions related to the theme in question, followed by illustrated comments based on the presented cased studies.
Written exam based on lectures and bibliography
Midterm evaluation
§ Kriken, JL & Rapaport, PER, 2010, City Building: Nine Planning Principles for XXI Century ,
Princeton Architectural Press, ISBN 978-15689888818 (KJL)
§ Berke, PR, Godshalk DR, Kaiser, E, Rodriguez, DA, 2006, Urban Land Use Planning, 5th edition,
Univeristy of Illinois Press, ISBN 978-0-252-03079-6 (BPR)
§ UN HABITAT, 2014, Planning for Climate Change: a strategic, valued-based approach for urban
planners, United Nations Settlements Programme, ISBN 978-92-1-132596-6 (UNH)
§ Florescu T., 2007, Forma si trans-formare urbană, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu” 2006, ISBN (10)
973-7999-53-3, ISBN (13) 978-973-7999-53-5 (TF 1)
§ Florescu T. (Coordonator), PUG Dinamic pentru Secolul XXI – o schimbare de paradigmă în
urbanismul românesc contemporan, Ed. Universitară “Ion Mincu” , 2012, ISBN978-606-638-052-2
(TF 2)