UP-146 Visual Aestethics

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Design and Planning
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1S | ECTS Credits: 2
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leader:
lect.dr.urb Liviu Veluda
Learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of the basic elements of visual language used in urban and landscape planning in order to analyze, create an d communicate a personal vision of built environment.
• Exercising of at least three analysis techniques, designing and visual communication based on understanding the relationship between mental,visual and textual.
• The development, expression and evaluation of ideas and processes specific for education through art.
• The course establishes a theoretical/practical program centred on the study of means of expression and of drawing language.
Lecture 1: Introduction – necesity of visual aesthetics; to see, to draw, to send a visual message
Exercise 1: discusions – observation sketch

Lecture 2: Means of visual investigation
- a few means of investigating visual forms (graphics, photography, film)
- tipes of sketches (observation sketch, concept sketch, analysis sketch)
- a few techniques and rules of composition (designing with lines, with space, etc.)
Exercise 2: discussion of first exercise, presentation of second exercise
Lecture 3: Techniques and rules of composition
- a few techniques and rules of composition II (movement, balance, growth, dynamics, rithm, expression and symbol)
- a few techniques and rules of composition III (principles of composition)
Exercise 3: discussion of second exercise / presentation of third exercise - composition sketches

Lecture 4: Layout elements
- Layout elements I (general terms of image and text paging/layout)
- Layout elements II (hierarchy of information in graphic design, composition of forms)
Exercise 4: discussion of third exercise / presentation of fourth exercise - 3 collage compositions

Lecture 5: Schematic drawing
- The logic of representation and representation by flowcharts, diagrams I (relationships, reading order)
- The logic of representation and representation by flowcharts, diagrams II
Exercise 5: discussion of fourth exercise / presentation of fifth exercise – schematic representation

Lecture 6: Specific graphic representation for urban planning/landscape design
- Specific graphic representation for urban planning/landscape design I
- Specific graphic representation for urban planning/landscape design II
Exercise 6: discussion of fifth exercise / presentation of sixth exercise – diagrams, flowcahrts

Lecture 7: Static and dynamic image in film
- static an moving image - film analysis
Exercise 7: schematic drawing of an urban area presented in a film

Lecture 8: Review of concepts presented during the course.
Teaching Method:
• the course is structured in lectures accompanied by seven exercises that will be developed within the time allocated for the course.
• illustrated and commented lectures accompanied by graphics, images and case studies
-at least 50% of the exercises (their sum average shoud be above 5)
- the final grade should be at least 5
[1] Ailincăi, Cornel. 2010. Introducere în gramatica limbajului vizual, Iași:Polirom.
[2] Arnheim, Rudolf. 2011/1954. Arta și percepția vizuală: o psihologie a văzului creator, Iași:Polirom.
[3] Arnheim, Rudolf – 1995. Forta centrului vizual, Ed. Meridiane
[4] Paul Klee, 1972/1953. Pedagogical Sketchbook, with introduction by Moholy-Nagy based on courses of “visual form” held at Bauhaus between 1921-1931.