ST-71 Urban and Equipment Design Planning

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urbanism and Territorial Management
3rd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3
Technical Sciences
Course Leader: Alexandru Iatan
Teaching Staff:
lector dr. ing. Alexandru IATAN
Learning outcomes:
The main objective is to offer the general information for the urban networks', technical restraints conformation, relations between under and above utilities supply, coordination, landscape development.
1. The importance of the urban networks developments, their interdisciplinary character and the inter-relationship with the urban development stages.
2. Domestic sewerage, industrial wastewater and rainwater. Sewerage systems and network schemes. The structure and accessories of the sewage system.
3. Wastewater treatment. Compatibility with the environment receptors. Treatment plants and inside technologies. Wastewater treatment schemes.
4. Potable water supply (1): history, water quality, water quantities requirements, intake schemes, primary transport and distribution mains.
5. Potable water supply (2): treatment, storage and distribution of water; sanitary protection for water supply systems, technical buildings and installations; outdoor hydrants network; other various water usages.
6. Natural gas supply. Conditioning. Natural gas supply systems. Fuel gas distribution networks
7. Electrical power supply; Medium/low voltage distribution networks. Constraints. Networks components. Different types for power supply networks. Consumers grades. Transformer stations. Networks branching.
8. Urban lighting (1): notions of photometry, visual comfort, the design of urban lighting installations; quantitative and qualitative aspects; road and pedestrian lighting
9. Urban lighting (2): decorative lighting, lighting for sports and recreation spaces, lighting for green spaces, water games, commercial and advertising lighting, lighting for sports fields
10. Low current networks - information transmission technology, networks management, automation. Equipment's and network elements. Topologies for little current networks. Mobile networks vs fixed networks.
11. Heat supply (1). Local, central and centralized heating systems. Cogeneration systems; Elements of urban heating systems; pipelining locations, materials, thermal protections
12. Heat supply (2). Local, central and centralized cooling systems. Trigeneration systems; Cold production systems and equipment's; pipelining locations, materials, thermal protections
13. Coordination of building networks: the transformation technical space, the thermal power plant, the transformer stations, technical-building galleries, underground systematization
14. Sustainable building networks. Trends in the technical-building equipment of the territory and localities. The concept of sustainable settlements. The concept of ecological settlements.
Teaching Method:
Presentations, lectures and case studies.
Summative, written exam, multiple choice exam, 30 questions to be answered, one or two correct answers
- TIMOTHY MOSS, SIMON MARVIN, SIMON GUY, Urban Infrastructure in Transition: Networks Buildings and Plans, 1st Edition, Routledge, 2000.
- Alexandru Mircea IATAN – Courses notices, 2020.
- STOENESCU, Laurențiu, Amenajări tehnico-edilitare - Note de curs, Institutul de Arhitectură Ion Mincu, București, 1982.
- ANGELESCU, Mircea, Rețele edilitare urbane, EDP, București, 1996.
-STOENESCU, VERNESCU, Laurențiu D. Sistematizarea subterană, Ed. Tehnica, Buc. 1972.
***Permanent, experimental and recommended standards and codes.