UT-31 Management of the Urban Development and Urban Indicators

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Management for Competitive Cities
1st Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Monica Rădulescu
Learning outcomes:
- Understanding urban indicators as a tool in managing urban territories
- Understanding the approach, specific tools and interpretation of urban development
Lecture 1: General indicators of sustainable development
Lecture 2. Sustainable development indicators at national and european scale. Competitivity and cohesion.
Workshop 1-2 Workshop 1 Definitions. Characteristics and evolution trends in human settlements development
Lecture 3: Indicators type at national, regional and local level.
Lecture 4: Indicators used at local level.
Workshop 3-4 Local level analisys.
Lecture 5: Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE O :- GENERAL DATA
Lecture 6: Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE 1 :- ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT
Workshop 5-6 Territory evaluation. Application
Lecture 7: Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE 2 :- INFRASTRUCTURE
Lecture 8: Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE 3 :- TRANSPORTATION
Workshop 7-8 Territory evaluation. Application
Lecture 9: Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE 4 :- ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Lecture 10 Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE 5 :- LOCAL GOVERNMENT
Workshop 9-10 Territory evaluation. Application
Lecture 11: Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE 6 :- HOUSING
Lecture 12 Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE 7 :- HOUSING STOCK
Workshop 11-12 Territory evaluation. Application
Lecture 13 Definition of indicators used at local level. MODULE 7 :- HOUSING STOCK
Lecture 14 Case studies / urban planning documents.
Workshop 13-14 Territory evaluation. Application
Teaching Method:
illustrated lecture; case studies; exercises
applications and exercises during the lecture and the workshop. Final written paper. Workshop activity 50% of the final grade, final exam 50% of the final grade