Urban Mobility, 2nd Master Year, 2023-2024

master urbanism / 2 years
No. Code Course Form.
Hours/week Total
ECTS Max. online hours Course Leader
S1 S2 S1 S2
Module 2/7 - Territory - 8cr - prof.dr.arh. Mihaela Negulescu
1. UT-80 Urban Expansion and Intercommunality DF 2C - 28 4 - 13 lect.dr.arh Andrei Mitrea
2. UT-100 Territorial Systems - Structure and Dynamics DS 1C+1L - 28 4 - 6+5 lect.dr.geogr Andrei Schvab
Module 2/8 - Environment, city, movement - 14cr - prof.dr.arh. Mihaela Negulescu
3. UT-120 Regional Development in European Union and Romania DS 2C - 28 4 - 13 conf.dr.arh Gabriel Pascariu
4. UT-88 Mobility policies and plans DD 2C+3L - 70 10 - 25 prof.dr.arh. Mihaela Negulescu
Module 2/9 - Mobility - experiment and practice - 8cr - conf.dr.arh. Liviu Ianăși
5. UT-52 Operational planning and economic development DF 2C - 28 4 - 13 conf.dr.arh Liviu Ianăși
6. UP-56 Urban Anthropology DC 2C - 28 4 - 13 Adrian Majuru
Module 2/10 - Practice - 6cr - prof.dr.arh. Mihaela Negulescu
7. UT-56 Professional Training DS - 4P 56 - 6 20 prof.dr.arh Mihaela Negulescu
Module 2/11 - Integrated planning - 24cr - prof.dr.arh. Mihaela Negulescu
8. UT-124 Urban Mobility Management DS - 2C 28 - 4 13 ing. Florin Dragomir
9. UT-125 Guided Research DS - 4P 56 - 10 20 prof.dr.arh Mihaela Negulescu
10. UT-90 Integrated Urban Mobilty Project - Dissertation - - 4P 56 - 10 20 prof.dr.arh. Mihaela Negulescu
Total compulsory hours / credits 15 14 406 30 30
11.   Dissertation Defense - 10
Departments Symbols
UPUrban and Landscape Design
UTUrban Planning and Territorial Development
Formative categories
DFFoundamental Course
DDTechnical Course
DSSpecialized Course
DCComplementary Course
Lpractical exercices