UP-2 Urban Doctrines

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Landscape Design and Planning
3rd Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Fișa disciplinei:
UP-2 P Doctrine urbanistice.pdf
Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leaders:
Dep. PUP
asist.dr.urb. Radu Pătrașcu
Learning outcomes:
This course informs students on the urban concepts with a view to thoroughly know the landmarks of the doctrine and to approach the problems of urban planning within territory; also, the course develops students’ capacity to approach information in an interlaced manner in regard to a specific idea, and expands their ability to interpret a new or specific situation.
Space constitution as experience, cognition and philosophy; Professional language
The city – typical human settlement as specific form of space constitution
Systemic approach in organized space
Human intervention on organized space as action of arranging the ambient system
Modeling in architecture, urban and territorial planning
Fundamental urban models: origins , characteristics , practical application, critical views
Urban theory as interpretative support for organized space
Decision and option in organizing intervention in space
Teaching Method:
Ex-cathedra lectures, comments on explanatory schemes, problem debate, case studies.
Tests during the semester + Final exam

40% - tests during the semester + 60% - final exam/multiple choice test.

Requirements for passing the course: minimum 5,00 average final grade and minimum 5,00 at the final exam/multiple choice test
1. Francoise Choay: L’urbanisme, Utopies et realites, Ed. Du Seuil, Paris – 1979
2. Al. Sandu: Under the Sign of Paradoxes, Ed. Arxitext, Bucuresti – 2008
3. Francoise Choay: Patrimoniul la rascruce, Ed. Ozalid, București, 2015
4. L. Murray: Looking at Europen Arhitecture, Ed. CIVA, Bruxelles – 2008 (reperele 5,12,16,19,21,27)
5. Al. Sandu: Articles from the Arhitext Magazine
6. Francoise Choay: Pentru o antropologie a spatiului, Ed. RUR, București – 2011
7. ECTP – Carta urbanismului european, Ed. RUR, Bucuresti – 2014
8. Carta democrației participative, Ed. RUR, Bucuresti – 2016
9. Francesco Indovia: La citta diffusa, Ed. DAEST, Venetia – 2010
10. Petra Schilders: The organic city: Method or methaphor, Ed. INTI, Almere – 2010
11. Michel Lussault: L'Homme spatial, Ed. Seuil, Paris – 2007
12. François Ascher: Les nouveaux compromis urbains. Lexique de la ville plurielle, Ed. de l'Aube, Paris - 2008
13. F.L. Wright, S. Celibidache: Articole in revista Arhitext, nr.2/2016