ST-97 Pathology and treatment

The Faculty of Architecture / Architectural Conservation and Restoration
3rd Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
Course Leader:
conf. Liviu Gligor
Teaching Staff:
conf.dr.arh. Liviu Gligor, asist.dr.arh. Monica Mureșanu
Learning outcomes:
- capacity and discernment to intervene on a building that has a cultural heritage
- the architect‘s part in this interdisciplinary domain
- understanding the stages of the intervention: study, research, project, achievement, the control and management of the works on the building site, documenting during the execution of the constructions
1 Environment and time factors in the analysis of elements of historical architecture ; equilibrium and dynamics in the exchanges of substance, energy and information between man, heritage buildings and environment
2 Components and characteristics of the building’s heritage value
3 The necessity, conditions, qualities and criteria of the intervention; the stages of the intervention: preservation, restoration, emphasizing, functionality, conversion
4 Specific elements of geometrical and structural conformation
5 The ambient physics expertise (Construction Physics) before the intervention
6 Specific investigation: non-destructive and destructive
7 Anamnesis and diagnosis; symptoms and causes ; degeneration mechanisms
8 Preventive and healing treatment; cicatrizing and substitution
9 The diseases of the stone and of other materials
10 Architectural surfaces; patina, the criteria of authenticity and the image; patina vs. deterioration
11 Restoration of the outer natural stone cladding; principles; examples
12 Restoration of the outer natural stone cladding; case study: the façade of the Architecture School Palace
13 Case study: preservation and restoration of the cave building in Basarabi
14 The structure and main content of the preceding restoration research, during the works and after the construction
Teaching Method:
Theoretical lectures illustrated with examples
Written test (50%) and class activity (50%)
ADAM, Jean-Pierre, LA CONSTRUCTION ROMAINE, Materiaux et techniques, Picard, Paris 1989
DINKEL, Rene, L'ENCYCLOPEDIE DU PATRIMOINE, Les Encyclopedies du Patrimoine, Paris 1997
MOUTON, Benjamin, Cours de structure, maconnerie et taille de pierre, Ecole de Chaillot, Paris
OPREANU, Mihai, memoriu DEA, Paris, 1992, articole in reviste de specialitate si contributii la conferinte
OPREANU, Mihai, SUPRAFEȚE ARHITECTURALE IN TIMP SI IN LUMINA, o perspectiva de ordin ecologic in analiza arhitecturii istorice, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”, Bucuresti 2009
PATRICCIO Teresa, VAN BALEN Koen, DE JONGHE Krista (edited by), CONSERVATION IN CHANGING SOCIETIES, Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, Leuven, Belgium, 206
A more vast bibliography will be presented during the classes