ST-29 Practical Exercises (Construction Works)

The Faculty of Architecture / Architectural Conservation and Restoration
2nd Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2L | ECTS Credits: 2
Course Leader:
conf. Liviu Gligor
Learning outcomes:
Practical activity is an applicative supplement bound to shape the practical habitudes of the students and to instruct them in traditional crafts, cultural exchanges among the participants and responable engagement in reaching a practical goal as a built object.
The activity aims by its specificity the direct contact of the students, on the basis of a project with built finality following a theme agreed between different partners as institutions or individuals implying traditional materials and crafts. In the first part the students work in small groups at the project for the conservation and putting in value of an object belonging to the built patrimony in order to be consequently build by the same students.
The practical activity embodies the theoretical elements and rounds the didactic message from the course " Materials and building procedures", developed during the 3rd and 4th semesters. The students are instructed to understand and even learn "hands on", in working groups, the proceedings and constructive solutions for building with traditional materials; the final aim of the practical activity is a conserved/put in value/build/ object by didactic purpose in order to develop in the students the capacity of assimilation, transmission and responsible and professional evaluation of the result of a specific building process in the build environment.
The collaboration with specialists and institutions is an indispensable condition of the practical exercises as much as the experience exchange with other groups of students.
Teaching Method:
Lectures held by specialists in the field, demonstrative trainings. Guidance for project elaboration. Direct in site guidance.
Continuous evaluation (presentation made by the working groups in front of the class, on the documentation results and proposed project). Evaluation of the final result (quality of the constructive works)
According to the project brief jointly elaborated with institutions and professionals.
The themes differ anually according to the offers, the capacity and the projects of the cooperation partners, instittutions and specialists.