IT-60 Architectural Language (1)

The Faculty of Architecture / Architectural Conservation and Restoration
1st Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
Kázmér Kovács
Teaching Staff:
urb. Adriana Safta-Velicu
Learning outcomes:
Definirea comunicării în cazul genului de artă specific care e arhitectura; stabilirea locului patrimoniului construit în economia comunicării arhitecturale; familiarizarea studenților cu metodele de evaluare critică a mediului amenajat; înțelegerea potentialului expresiv al formei arhitecturale din perspectiva determinărilor sale structurale, funcționale, estetice și cultural-simbolice; prezentarea aspectelor de limbaj arhitectural specifice pentru conservarea și restaurarea monumentelor de arhitectură.
Introduction: architecture and communication
Three faces of metaphor in relation to architecture
Semiotics in architecture
The column and the classical orders: questions of architectural expression in modern times
The case of the historical monument
Values, representations and functions of historical monuments
On the ruin
Theoretical matters necessary for the reading of architectural and urban forms; the concept of significance; the choice of a site
The classical language of architecture
The lost meaning of classical architecture
The modernist language of architecture
Reading a trajectory; architectural or urban landmarks and events
Reading and interpreting a theoretical text
Teaching Method:
Discussions on specific topics, following field trips or on papers prepared by the students
Evaluation of the students' involvment during the semester
Examination - paper and colloquium
John Summerson, The Language of Classical Architecture, The MIT Press, Cambridge,Mass., 1989
H.R. Radian, Cartea proporțiilor, București, Meridiane,1981
Hitchcock & Johnson, The International Style, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1966
george hersey, The Lost Meaning of Classical Architecure, The MIT Press, Cambridge,Mass., 1988
other texts relevant for the course (Choay, Rykwert, Frampton, Zahariade, Kovács)