CP-49 Historical Monuments Conservation - Project

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture
5th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025 | Optional Project | Hours/Week: 3P | ECTS Credits: 3
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leaders:
conf.dr.arh. Adrian Crăciunescu
conf.dr.arh. Petru Mortu
conf.dr.arh. Ștefan Bâlici
Teaching Staff:
asist.dr.arh. Ioana Zacharias Vultur, asist.dr.arh. Alexandra Teodor
Teaching language:
Learning outcomes:
● The assimilation of research, regulation and intervention methods on historical monuments and ensembles, within the conservation-restoration project, as well as of ways of enhancing and protecting the character of their protection areas.
● Familiarizing students with the legislation in force and with the doctrine related to heritage protection, as well as underlining the implications they have in the conservation-restoration decision-making process.
● Defining and understanding investigation/research methods prior to the design process and simultaneous to the execution process, at the monument and/or ensemble level, as well as at the urban planning level in their protection areas in order to establish and carry out conservation-restoration interventions.
1. Preparation of the database related to the monument and/or ensemble, as well as for their conservation areas (archival, bibliographic, iconographic, cartographic, in situ research) necessary for the evaluation and design phases of the project;
2. Synthesis of research and elaboration of the a) substantiation study and b) intervention regulations on the monument and/or ensemble, as well as for their conservation areas;
3. Conception of the conservation-restoration solution and/or sanitation development in accordance with the regulations established in the previous phases of the project
Teaching Method:
- field visits in order to identify different ways of intervention on historical monuments;
- individual and collective workshop guidance in order to develop the phases of the project.
- the degree of correctness and relevance of the proposed solutions in relation to the doctrinal aspects of intervention;
- the coherence and consistency of the approach throughout the work stages of the project;
- the suitability of the project theme considering the site's problems;
- the architectural value of the proposed project in accordance with the theme and purpose pursued;
- study consistency and active participation in debates.
- elaboration and support (oral presentation of) practical works.
BRANDI, Cesare., Teoria del restauro, Roma 1963;
CARBONARA, G., Trattato di Restauro Architettonico, Vol.II, Utet, 1996; AA.VV, Restauro Architettonico, (a cura di L. MARINO), Alinea, 1996;
CURINSCHI-VORONA, Gheorghe, Restaurarea monumentelor istorice, Ed. Tehnică, București, 1968
CURINSCHI-VORONA, Gheorghe, Arhitectură, urbanism, restaurare, Ed. Tehnică, București, 1995
CUNNINGTON, Pamela, Care of Old Houses, Londra: A&C Black, 1991
FITCH, James Marston, Historic Preservation, Curatorial Management of the Built World, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville 1992
FEILDEN, Bernard M., Conservation of Historic Buildings, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994
IONESCU, Grigore, Arhitectura pe teritoriul Romaniei de-a lungul veacurilor, Ed. Academiei, Bucuresti, 1982
PEARCE, David, Conservation Today, Routledge, London, 1989
SCHULTZ, Christian Norberg, Systeme logiques de l'architecture, Liege: Pierre Mardaga editeur, 1995
Articles, publications relevant to the domain of heritage conservation (BCMI, RMI, SCIA, SCIV etc);
Legislation în force concerning steps in desingnig and elaborating technical solutions in conservation-restoratioon of built heritage;
Various heritage assesments, endorsed projects of conservation-restoration of built heritage that were published or archived in the official archives of the Ministry of Culture