- Course Leader:
- lect.dr.urb. Matei Cocheci
- Teaching Staff:
- invitați: Irina ZAMFIRESCU (Facultatea de Sociologie - UB), Anca GINAVAR (titular disciplină Teritoriu și Dezvoltare Durabilă la Master Dreptul Urbanismului - Facultatea de Drept - UB), Miruna GRIGORESCU (companie dezvoltări imobiliare), Claudia PAMFIL (Centrul de Planificare PMB CJ Ilfov).
- Learning outcomes:
- The course aims to ensure a solid understanding of the relationships between the objectives of sustainable development and the ways in which urban planning and design efforts contribute to their achievement.
The main focus will be placed on analyzing the roles of various stakeholders involved in the planning and design processes for the transformation of space at various scales in relation to their commitment towards sustainable development. Hence, pragmatic ways in which urban planning and spatial planning documentations must respond to this challenge will become clear, in correlation with specific legal provisions.
- Content:
- 1. Introductiona. Spatial sustainable development.
2. International and European principles for Sustainable Development.
2. Criteria for Sustainable Development Goals - Leipzig Charter, RFSC - Reference for Sustainable Cities (2007 – 2010)
4. The roles of urban actors in sustainable development.
5. Sustainable neighbourhoods.
6. Research in sustainable development.
7. Sustainable spatial development in Romania. Public policies and law.
8. Sustainable spatial development in Romania. Strategic and territorial planning.
9. Sustainable spatial development in Romania. Urban planning and sustainable urban mobility.
10. Sustainable development and funding programs (European Funding Programs).
11. Examples of European initiatives - Green City Accord.
12. Discussions - case study.
13. New paradigms: Climate resilience.
14. Synthesis and guidance for the exam paper (individual).
- Teaching Method:
- Lectures, video presentations, individual works, electronic support for the courses
- Assessment:
- Paper 1 (course) - Research (20 %).
Paper 2 - Case studies (teams of 4 students) - 30 %.
Exam (individual paper) - 50 %.
- Bibliography:
- Sustainable development in the European Union — Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context — 2021 edition
Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities, agreed on the occasion of the Informal Ministerial Meeting on Urban Development and Territorial Cohesion, Leipzig May 2007 https://www.rur.ro/download/1183
The New Leipzig Charter – 2020: Transformative Power of Cities for the Common Good
Agenda 21/1992 - (Chapter 7th – Human Settlements) http://www.un-documents.net/a21-07.htm
Guiding Principles for Sustainable Spatial Development, Hanover 2000 European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT) (Council of Europe, 2001) https://rm.coe.int/1680700173