UT-25 Urban Mobility (2)

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Design
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 4
Urban Planning and Territorial Development
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Mihaela Negulescu
Teaching Staff:
Mihaela Hermina NEGULESCU Associate Professor PhD. Architect Urban Planner
Learning outcomes:
• Developing the holistic thinking and the skills in systemic, integrated approaches in spatial planning, taking into account its relevant determinations and influences from and on different other domains of the human development
• Achieving cross-disciplinary knowledge and logics, relevant for the spatial – urban and territorial- planning
• Developing the critical thinking, the appetite and abilities for long-life-learning, the adaptability to change by professional logic (not only accumulation of information)
• Understanding the role of the urban planner in interdisciplinary teams
 • Achieving a holistic thinking and a cross-disciplinary perspective on urban mobility issues (a systemic approach to mobility determinations and impacts from/on the different domains of human development: social, economic, natural and built environment)
• Achieving advanced skills for a new, innovative LUM (Land Use & Mobility) planning. This cross-disciplinary approach aims at: 1. Understanding how to conceive and plan urban forms (at different territorial levels) so as to be achieved spatial prerequisites for a sustainable (re)modelling of the mobility 2. Achieving a higher awareness of accessibility(ies) features and roles in urban dynamics, and also a better conceptual and methodological capacity for properly addressing it in spatial (regional and urban) planning
• Understanding the ideological, theoretical and practical changes in approaching urban mobility towards the logic of sustainability
• Acquaintance with the institutional, legislative and regulatory framework having relevance for the coordinated planning of urban form and urban mobility
• Understanding the role(s) of the urban planner in interdisciplinary teams for planning urban mobility (SUMPs teams)
• Achieving skills in planning mobility infrastructure
• Achieving a appropriate referrential framework for planning sustainable mobility, through a comprehensive and critical approach of specific best-practices in EU countries
1. THE NEW PARADIGM OF URBAN MOBILITY – ideological, theoretical and practical evolutions; “From a traffic logic towards a holistic approach of mobility”; “from the city unconditionally adapted to car’s growing requirements, to the city for peoples” / 2 hours
2. IDEOLOGICAL, LEGISLATIVE, REGULATORY AND FINANCIAL MOBILITY & TRANSPORT EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK - (the policy and regulatory documents, programs and funds) / 2hours
3. NEW CONCEPTS, METHODOLOGIES, MODELS AND TOOLS, OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORKs, for sustainably planning and remodeling mobility – SUMPs guidelines and existing best practices / 2 hours
4. KEY / INTERFACE CONCEPTS FOR LU&M APPROACH - (accessibility, distance-time, isochrones); How to use and/or (re)shape accessibility(ies) in urban planning / 2 hours
9-10. CASE STUDIES / best-practices of mobility reshape within different categories of urban operations, in different urban contexts / 4 hours
11. MANAGEMENT OF URBAN MOBILITY, integrate planning and sectorial policies - general approach (to be developped in „ Mobility policies and plans” couse)/ 2 hours
12. ROAD AND TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE, at different territorial levels (European, national, regional, local) – general approach / 2 hours
Teaching Method:
lectures with video presentation, open discussions / debates
Inividual research work (25%), Exam (75%)
Course support:
• Negulescu MH (2011), MOBILITY AND URBAN FORM—THEORETICAL ASPECTS, “Ion Mincu” Academic Publishing House, Bucharest- ISBN – 978-606-638-005-8
• Negulescu MH (2011), URBAN PRACTICE FOR SUSTAINABLE (RE)SHAPING MOBILITY, “Ion Mincu” Academic Publishing House, Bucharest- ISBN- 978-606-638-004-
European programmatic documents:
[1] Urban Mobility Package, EC- Mobility and Transport, dec. 2013
• Together towards competitive and resource efficient urban mobility
• Anexa - concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
• Deployment of Intelligent Transport System solutions in urban areas
• Urban logistics
• Urban access regulations
• Urban road safety
[2] TEN-T guidelines, dec. 2013
[3] SUMP - Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Guidelines - Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Project Eltisplus, IEE , 2011.
[4] White paper 2011- Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system, Bruxelles, 2011
[5] Action Plan on Urban Mobility, EC, Bruxelles, 2009
[6] Green paper -Towards a new culture for urban mobility, EC, Bruxelles, 2007
• Amar, Georges, Pentru o ecologie urbanǎ a transporturilor, Les Annales de la recherche urbaine n°59-60, 1993
• Bieber, Alain; Orfeuil Jean Pierre, La mobilité urbaine et sa régulation, les Annales de la Rechereche Urbaine n°59-60, 1993
• Bernard Duhem; Jean-Loup Gourdon; Pierre Lassave; Sylvia Ostrowetsky, Villes & Transports - seminaire, Paris,1991 – 1992
• Gehl, Ian, Orașe pentru oameni, Igloomedia, București, 2012
• Lynch, Kevyn, Good city form, Cambridge, Mass,The MIT Press, 1981
• Jones Peter (2014), The evolution of urban mobility: The interplay of academic and policy perspectives, IATSS Research, 38: 7-13, 2014; http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1435180/
• Negulescu, Mihaela Hermina, Mobilitate și formă urbană - aspecte teoretice, Ed. Universitară “Ion Mincu”, București, 2011 (carte de autor) - ISBN- 978-606-638-004-1
• Negulescu, Mihaela Hermina, practica urbanistică de remodelare sustenabilă a mobilității, Ed. Universitară “Ion Mincu”, București, 2011 (carte de autor) - ISBN – 978-606-638-005-8
• Negulescu, Mihaela Hermina, REMODELAREA INTEGRATĂ A MOBILITĂȚII ȘI A SPAȚIILOR PUBLICE, ȋn volumul conferinței “Spațiu public și Mobilitate urbană”, Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, Academia de Științe Tehnice a României, APUR, Editura AGIR, BDI: INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL, ACADEMIC KEYS, getCITED, CNCSIS: B+, Online: ISSN 2247-3548 http://www.buletinulagir.agir.ro/articol.php?id=2090
• Negulescu, Mihaela Hermina, Intermodalitatea, o prioritate a politicii de mobilitate pentru orașul București, ȋn contextul crizei economice, Revista Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcții Vol. 3, nr. 4 / 2012 – volum dedicat celei de a treia ediții a Conferinței naționale de cercetare în construcții, economia construcțiilor, arhitectură, urbanism și dezvoltare teritorială, având ca temă Cercetarea din urbanism, arhitectură și construcții în condițiile crizei economice, august 2012
• Negulescu, Mihaela Hermina, Câteva repere pentru organizarea intermodalității în orașul București, Buletinul AGIR – volumul dedicat conferinței naționale a Academiei de Științe Tehnice din România - Zilele academice - ediția a VII-a “Viața și activitățile în marile aglomerații urbane. București, prezent și viitor”, organizată de ASTR împreună cu AGIR-Asociația generală a Inginerilor din România, octombrie 2012 ISSN-L 1224-7928, Online: ISSN 2247-3548, indexata BDI: INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL.
• Raicu, Șerban, Transport Systems [in Romanian], Agir Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania, 484 pp, 2007
• Rodrique, Jean-Paul; Comtois, Claude; Slack, Brian, The geography of transport systems, Hofstra University, New York, USA, http://people.hofstra.edu/geotrans/
• Salingros, Nikos A, Principles of urban structure, Complexity and Urban Coherence, http://www.math.utsa.edu, 2001
• Wiel, Marc, La mobilité dessine la ville, Urbanisme no. 289, iulie 1996
• *** SAFENET - Research on estimation and enhancement of intrinsic safety performances for urban traffic networks, “Partnership in priority areas” program - PNII, PCCA Tip 2, (2012-2016), http://www.safenet.pub.ro/content/proiect.html

European projects – mobility&transport:
*** NODES,
*** CARO *** TRANSLAND - Integrarea (planificării) transporturilor cu planificarea spațială, Raport final, Programul Cadru 4 de Cercetare Dezvoltare al CEE, 2000
*** TRANSPLUS - Politici integrate de utilizare a terenului și transport durabil – Raportul final, proiect finanțat de Comisia Europeană sub Programul Cadru 5, Comisia Europeană – Energie, Mediu și Dezvoltare Durabilă, 2003
*** SESAME - Relații între forma urbană și practicile de mobilitate – Programul Cadru 4 de Cercetare Dezvoltare al CEE, 1999 etc.

Web (specialized portals, forums, databases, web-sites etc.)
• EUROPEAN COMISSION – TRANSPORT; MOBILITY & TRANSPORT http://ec.europa.eu/transport/urban/urban_mobility/urban_mobility_en.htm
• CIVITAS Initiative ; http://www.civitas-initiative.eu/main.phtml?lan=en
• ELTIS web portal on urban transport and mobility; http://www.eltis.org - Case studies -
• ESPON European Spatial Planning Observation Network: www.espon.eu/
• CODATU (Cooperation for urban mobility in the developing world) - http://www.codatu.org
• UITP-INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT - http://www.uitp.org/about/index.cfm
• EPOMM - the European Platform on Mobility Management,
• CITIES FOR MOBILITY - http://www.cities-for-mobility.net
• Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)- http://ec.europa.eu/transport/infrastructure/tentec/tentec-portal/site/index_en.htm
CARFREE.COM -http://www.carfree.com/
• TRANSPORT LEARNING, http://transportlearning.net,
• The EUROPEAN INTERMODAL ASSOCIATION http://www.eia-ngo.com/
• EUROSTAT; http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat
• EUROBAROMETER; http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm