UP-102 Vulnerability and sustainable development

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Design
2nd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+2L | ECTS Credits: 6
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh Tiberiu Florescu
Learning outcomes:
The course aimes at making students understand the complex and dynamic problematic of urban form as well as the theoretical mechanism of understanding, interpretation, and management of urban crisis in relation with the development of the contemporary city.
Urban form and phenomenon. The definition of crisis. General aspects regarding the urban crisis;
2. Urban crisis and the emergence of crisis. Causes and outcomes;
3. Urban phenomenon; continuity and discontinuity in urban form;
4. Urban risks and discontinuity of urban form. General aspects of the relationship between urban form and context;
5. Risks and state of crisis. Urban vulnerability;
6. Risk analysis in the urban environment. Identifying urban risks and strategies;
7. Urban identity and the outcomes of the state of crisis;
8. Urban-architectural aspects of the current urban crisis in Europe;
9. The crisis of cities within the current framework in the USA;
10. The crisis of Romanian cities against the current background;
11. Theoretical aspects regarding the management of crisis situations. The management of crisis states as a complex process. Stages and actions;
12. Elements of urban prognosis and prospective study;
13. Urban-architectural means to prevent crisis. Theories.
14. Current urban regulations with implications in the management of the crisis states.
Teaching Method:
Illustrated and commented lectures; case studies
Final examination and a midterm paper on a given theme
Ansidei, M. , Fleury D., Dubois D. – Les risques urbains – Ed. Anthropos, Paris, 1994
Bailly, Antoine – Representer la ville – Ed. Economica, Paris, 1995
Florescu, Tiberiu – Formă și trans-formare urbană – Ed. Universitară ,,Ion Mincu’’, 2006
Gociman, Cristina – Tipologia hazardului și dezvoltarea durabilă, Ed. Universitară ,,Ion Mincu’’, 2002
Hall, Peter – Orașele de mâine – Ed. All, Bucuresti, 1999
Pumain, Denise – La dynamique des villes - Ed. Economica, Paris, 1982
Roncayolo, Marcel – Lectures des villes, forme et temps – Ed. Parentheses, 2002