Landscape and Territory, 1st Master Year, 2023-2024

master urbanism / 2 years

MPT1 grafic 2023-2024.xls

No. Code Course Form.
Hours/week Total
ECTS Max. online hours Course Leader
S1 S2 S1 S2
Module 1 - Urban Analysis - 8cr - prof.dr.arh. Angelica Stan
1. UP-133 The Dynamics of Urban Periphery DC 2C - 28 4 - 13 prof.dr.arh. Angelica Stan
2. UP-48 Landscape Restoration Project DS 2P - 28 4 - 10 prof.dr.arh. Cerasella Craciun
Module 1/2 - Urbanism and Territory - 10cr - conf.dr.arh. Liviu Ianăși
3. UT-4 Urban management and urban law DS 2C+1L - 42 6 - 13+5 conf.dr.arh Liviu Ianăși
4. UT-28 Information Systems DF 2C - 28 4 - 13 Oana Luca
Module 1/3 - Urban Research Technique - 6cr - prof.dr.arh. Tiberiu Florescu
5. UP-154 GIS Design (1) DC 2L - 28 4 - 10 prof.dr.arh Tiberiu Florescu, asist.dr.urb. Radu Pătrașcu
6. UP-41 Research and Academic Ethics (2) DC 1C - 14 2 - 6 conf.dr.urb. Andreea Necșulescu
Module 1/4 – Urban Heritage and Sustainable Development - 6cr - conf.dr.arh. Simona Munteanu
7. UT-92 Sustainable Spatial Development DS 2C - 28 4 - 13 lect.dr.urb. Matei Cocheci
8. UT-93 Protected Areas and Zones DS 1C - 14 2 - 6 conf.dr.arh Simona Munteanu
Module 1/5 - Analysis and Study Models - 8cr - conf.dr.arh. Cristina Enache
9. UP-45 Territorial social analysis of the communities DC - 2C 28 - 4 13 conf.dr.sociolog Raluca Popescu, asist.dr.urb.soc. Andreea Pene (Acasandre)
10. UP-47 Studies and documentation of Urban Planning DS - 1C+1L 28 - 4 6+5 lect.dr.arh. Simona Butnariu
Module 1/6 - Landscape Design and Documentation of Urban Planning - 22cr - prof.dr.arh. Cerasella Crăciun
11. UP-53 Planning policies in landscaping DF - 2C 28 - 4 13 conf.dr.urb Andreea Necșulescu
12. UP-49 Macro- landscape design DS - 4P 56 - 9 20 conf.dr.arh. Mihaela Hărmănescu
13. UP-50 Mezzo-landscape design DS - 4P 56 - 9 20 conf.dr.arh. Mihaela Hărmănescu
Total compulsory hours / credits 15 14 406 30 30
Departments Symbols
UPUrban and Landscape Design
UTUrban Planning and Territorial Development
Formative categories
DFFoundamental Course
DSSpecialized Course
DCComplementary Course
Lpractical exercices