UT-2 Cultural Landscape and Development

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Landscape and Territory
2nd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1L | ECTS Credits: 4
Course Leader:
lect.dr.arh Alexandru Calcatinge
Teaching Staff:
lect. dr. arh. Alexandru Calcatinge lect. dr. arh. Vera Marin
Learning outcomes:
Objectives: The course aims to assimilate basic concepts and methods regarding the cultural landscape in relation to the phenomena of territorial development, a topic of great importance and topicality, promoted at the level of the European Union. The aim is to acquaint students with skills related to the valorisation of cultural landscape elements in the planning for sustainable development.

The course starts from the understanding of the relationship between the natural and the anthropic heritage, of the basic notions for the operational integration of this concept in the landscape planning practice. Basic elements for understanding the cultural landscape under its material and immaterial aspects are developed as an essential component of development (cognitive skills). The result is the formation of a responsible attitude towards the cultural landscape, as well as the ability to implement specific methods of identifying and classifying the cultural landscape to be used in planning and management processes
1. Concept of Cultural Landscape - Definitions and Evolution
2. Study assumptions of the cultural landscape - framework and axioms
3. Key processes in cultural landscape dynamics - eclectic study methods
4. Specific features of historical cultural landscapes
5. Urban Cultural Landscape Specificity
6. Modernity, community and social involvement
7. Methodological elements regarding the Cultural Landscape Management - examples
Teaching Method:
Lectures, papers presentations, discussions based on specialized articles, seminar papers in which will be analyzed examples relevant to the complex understanding of the concept.
Grade during the course - 50%, Final grade for the practical project: 50%
1. * * European Landscape Convention, Florence, 2000 
2. * * European Spatial Development Perspective Towards Balanced and Sustainable Development of the Territory of the European Union- Agreed at the Informal Council of Ministers responsible for Spatial Planning in Potsdam, May 1999 Published by the European Commission 
3. * * Convenția privind protecția patrimoniului mondial cultural și natural (Paris, 16 noiembrie 1972) 
4. * * Convenția europeană privind protecția patrimoniului arhitectural european (revizuită) (La Valletta, 16 ianuarie 1992) 
5. * * LEGEA nr. 451/2002 privind ratificarea Conventiei de la Florența privind Peisajul 
6. * * LEGEA privind aprobarea Planului de amenajare a teritoriului național – Secțiunea a III-a – zone protejate, nr. 41/2000 
7. * * LEGEA privind amenajarea teritoriului și urbanismul nr. 350/2001 
8. * * ESPON Project 1.3.3. – The role and spațial Effects of Cultural Heritage and Identity (2004-2006), final report 
9. Cătălin Sârbu, (coordonator) - Peisaj cultural și dezvoltare, Editura Universității de Arhitectură și Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, 2011, ISBN 978-873-1884-85-1 
10. Cătălin Sârbu, Teritoriul – Intre urban și rural, în volumul Conferința națonală de Antropologie urbană, ediția a II-a, Roman, Octombrie 2010, Editura Mușatină, Roman, 2011, ISSN 2069-8364, pag. 86-91
11. Alexandru Calcatinge – Conceptul de Peisaj Cultural: contribuții la fundamentarea teoretică, Editura Universitară “Ion Mincu”, 2013, ISBN 978-606-638-058-4
12. Alexandru Calcatinge (Ed.) - Critical Spaces: Contemporary Perspectives in Urban, Spatial and Landscape Studies, Editura LIT Verlag, Vienna, 2014, ISBN 978-3-643-90495-9
13. Cultural Territorial Systems - Landscape and Cultural Heritage as a Key to Sustainable and Local Development in Eastern Europe. Editors: Rotondo, F., Selicato, F., Marin, V., Lopez Galdeano, J., Ed Springer, 2016
List of articles necessary to be read:

1. Carl Ortwin Sauer – The Morphology of Landscape
2. Paul Groth – Frameworks for Cultural Landscape Study
3. Peice K Lewis – Axioms for Reading the Landscape
4. Paul Groth – Key Processes of Cultural Landscape Change: Eclectic methods for studying built environments
5. Wilfried E. Schreiber, Raularian Rusu – Historical Cultural Landscapes as Critical Spaces in Romania
6. Denis Cosgrove – Modernity, Community and the Landscape Idea
7. Phil Smith – The contemporary derive: a partial review of issues concerning the contemporary practice of psychogeography
8. Phil Turner – Citizen involvement in Landscape Character Assessment