UP-40 Sustainable Development and Landscape

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Landscape and Territory
2nd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 4
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh Mihaela Hărmănescu
Learning outcomes:
The course introduces to the students basic elements of reading, analyzing, interpreting the landscape in relation to sustainable development, following their impact on the landscape at any scale space representation.
Result is the formation followed a responsible attitude on the environment, focusing on urban management methods and the relationship between man and landscape.
1. Define concept - site sitologie, Genius Loci, landscape and perception, perception Introduction sustainable development, sitologie tools, landscape holistic approach. Historical landmarks, joint, and critics of sustainable development impact on the landscape.
2. National and international progress of sustainable development. Sustainable development strategic approach: the need for performance evaluation of local development, sustainable development of major aspects of human habitat in relation to landscape protection specific actions. The issue of indicators and related documents
3. Methods of analysis and geomorphologic features, interpreting maps, plans and images. Analysis of various landscapes types’ urban / rural and landscape dynamics and perceptual interpretation, and progress
4.Site Elements composition. Site relationship with the viewer. Values in site identification, sustainable landscape
5. Documentation and methodologies of sustainable development into the landscape: differential impact on the landscape - elements methodological framework for developing schemes of urban development strategies and sustainable territorial policies in relation to landscape
6.Categories of renewable energies, their specific actions in the landscape, technical solutions to integrate renewable energy into the landscape and their consequences at different scales (macro, mezo, micro) - protection of natural and built values.
Teaching Method:
Lectures, presentations, work on the way, course support
Exam/ course evaluation
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