UP-110 Research, Scenography and Art in Landscape

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Landscape and Territory
2nd Year, sem 1, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1L | ECTS Credits: 6
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Cerasella Crăciun
Teaching Staff:
Secția "Amenajarea și Planificarea Peisajului", Facultatea de Urbanism.
Learning outcomes:
Course with practical applications addressing the impact between research, landscape, scenery, type unconventional contemporary art in the landscape and public space and urban spaces metamorphosis types and their influenâa on landscape / urban culture. The focus is on radiography of new transdisciplinary research methods in landscape scenographic type, and the implementation of unconventional art type (land-art, conceptual art, installations, happenings, performances, video art, etc..) In the urban landscape in the light of new ways of perception and communication landscape.
- Approaches and research methods and study landscape designer. New ways of expression transdisciplinary;
- Art, component and manifestation of culture. Art and communication system landscape (expression, representation, signification). Types of artistic expression enshrined in landscape space. Symbolism, link between art and nature.
- Community Art Space landscape. Urban landscape between tradition and modernity. Metamorphosis categories of urban spaces while (construction, monuments, squares), networking with classic and contemporary art and their influence on landscape / anthropic and cultural
- Trends contemporary urban landscape change (natural, built) and cultural. Specific categories of urban spaces for dialogue, Landscape Art, Form and Message. Archetype garden in philosophical space
- Networking architecture, visual arts, music, theater, media art in the urban landscape. Ways of incorporating decorative arts, sculpture, arts, media and contemporary art experiments unconventional type (happenings, land art, performance, conceptual art);
- Modes of perception of the natural and built urban space (visual, tactile, acoustic). Art and feelings;
- Metamorphosis contemporary landscape - art plastică.Tipuri fine arts in urban areas, from classical art to contemporary experiments;
- Modern and contemporary experiments. Case Studies. Works and authors (presentation, characterization, critical appreciation);
- The city of art and fine art in the City. Art, architecture and scenographic landscape
- Methodology of study and research scenographic landscape type based on unconventional fields (anthropology, ethnography and folklore, history, mathematical theories, sacred geometry and geography, quantum theory, music).
Teaching Method:
Ex-cathedra / online course, films, projects and research author commented, plans, guests, exhibitions.
Practical application - Unconventional art exhibition in landscape / Scenography / Project / Case study / Work / Essay.
Evaluation of practical applications - Project / Case Study / Work / Essay / Unconventional Art Exhibition in Landscape / Urban Scenography + assessment work by the student and/or by colleagues + Ongoing Evaluation
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Birksted, Jan, Relating Architecture to Landscape, Londra, E & FN Spon,1999;
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Crăciun, Cerasella, Arta in spatiul peisagistic. element de coeziune al vieții comunitare. Studiu de Caz: Arta Murală și Tehnica de Artă Graffiti/Stencil., (Editie coordonata), Editura Universitară “Ion Mincu”, București 2009;
Crăciun, Cerasella, Bucurestiul, recipient si generator de peisaje destructurate si destructurante, in publicatia Argument. Studii si cercetari stiintifice de arhitectura si urbanism, nr.1/2009, Bucuresti, 2009;
Crăciun, Cerasella, Methodes of analysis, diagnosis and therapy in the human settlements’ landscape, in Horticulture - Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj Napoca, 2009 Volume 66 (2);
Crăciun, Cerasella, Metabolismul urban. O abordare Neconventionala a Organismului Urban, Editura Universitara “Ion Mincu”, ISBN 978-973-1884-14-1, Bucuresti,
Crăciun, Cerasella, Rezonanta, functie, structura si configuratie in oras. Distanta, rapoarte, inaltime, accent, reper si ritm urban, în Numărul Tematic: A-Ritmii si E-proportii, ARHITEXT. Arhitectura. Design. Arte., Anul XV, Nr.05/2008.
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Klibansky, Raymond, Panofsky, Erwin si Saxl, Fritz, Saturn și Melancolia. Studii de filosofie a naturii, religie și artă, Ed. Polirom, Iași, 2002;
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The course is mandatory for „Landscape and Territory” Masteral Program students, like a complementary discipline.