UT-32 Urban Development Programs

The Faculty of Urban Planning / Urban Management for Competitive Cities
1st Year, sem 2, 2023-2024 | Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2P | ECTS Credits: 4
Course Leader:
prof.dr.arh. Monica Rădulescu
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the relation planning-urban design-architectural design and development of:
1. understanding organization and functioning of urban space
2. acquiring theoretical knowledge of urban space organization issues
3. dimensioning areas coresponding to different urban programs
4. ability to use theoretical mechanism of understanding, interpreting and managing urban space problems
5. ability to design architectural objects related to the corresponding urban areas
6. ability to apply building regulations according to the site characteristics and design rules
The project has 2 phases

Phase I – Elaboration of design reference terms & Elaboration of urban design concept and solution detailing urban programs – 2 weeks;
Phase II –– Detailed spatial design 2 weeks;
For phases I and II students are working in teams of 7-8 members (big teams). Each big team will split in 2 small teams for phase III.
The project continues the series Integrated Urban Planning - Development Stategy - Elaboration of the General Urban Plan Regulations projects of the semester.
Workshop 1: Project presentation
Workshop 2: Development concept
Workshop 3-5: Relation and distribution of built areas and volumes
Workshop 6-7: Dimensioning volumes
Workshop 8: Spatial solution
Workshop 9: Revision of project
Final term
Rezultatul proiectului va fi prezentat sub forma unor planșe A1 (maxim 2 formate A1), prezentand solutia de organizare spatiala (nivel de detaliere plan de situatie la scara 1/1000) utilizând text, material ilustrativ (eventual fotografic), schite, diagrame și scheme, independente (nu se recomanda prezentarea schemelor pe planul de bază). Materialul grafic trebuie să evidențieze procesul de intervenție în sine dar in special rezultatul obtinut (exprimat in planul de situatie). Se va urmari in mod special claritatea exprimarii grafice si relevanta informatiilor prezentate. Proiectul se va preda pe suport de hartie si in format electronic.
Teaching Method:
The project has 2 phases
Phase I – Elaboration of design reference terms & Elaboration of urban design concept and solution detailing urban programs – 2 weeks;
Phase II –– Detailed spatial design 2 weeks;
For phases I and II students are working in teams of 7-8 members (big teams). Each big team will split in 2 small teams for phase III.
workshop activity participation 40%, public presentation 20%, the project (final) 40%
The project continues the series Integrated Urban Planning - Development Stategy - Elaboration of the General Urban Plan Regulations projects of the semester.